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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Cool. I'll look at the MH rods this weekend. I guess if I get a medium heavy I would be able to cast other heavy lures too. So my Medium *** Black can handle the lighter lures and that MH would handle the heavier ones.
  2. I bought a new baitcasting rod over the weekend - *** *** Black 7'1" Medium Fast. I bought it for only one lure I want to use, the Gambler little EZ. I tried it out in the back yard and it cast nice with the weighted hook I'm using. It falls withing the range of the rod too. The rod is rated for 1/4 to 5/8. So I also want to try the Gambler Big EZ. I bought some Owner weighted hooks that are really big (6/0) and weighed the hook and the Big EZ on a scale it at comes in at 1 oz. So know I want to buy a baitcasting rod for the Big EZ. What I want to know is - do I want a rod that is a MH or H or more? Do I want a rod that goes up to 3/4 oz or should I definitely get a rod that goes up to 1 oz. or higher? The Big EZ and Owner weighted hooks are probably the biggest soft swim baits I will be throwing this season. I don't see myself throwing anything larger, I do see my self throwing other soft swimbaits a little smaller than the Big EZ (along with the Little EZ). My reel is a Shimano Chronarch with 12 pound mono line. I was hoping the rod I buy will be a Fewwick, HMG another *** Black or Veritas. I can get all those for around $100.00 each. Thanks!
  3. Yep, I've been on this site for more than a few years now and it seems if there is one brand/lure question that comes up more than others, it's the Senko/stick bait lure. I'm a follower and devote of soft plastics worms/stick baits. I also wonder, when I watch the Pros competing on TV, why aren't they using the Texas Rig worm or soft stick bait or split-shot soft plastic or weightless soft plastic? I think something funny is going on. In my opinion, the lure companies what to sell their hard baits/other lures as well as their soft plastics, so they make the Pros use those crankbaits/big jigs/etc... So its basically a sales job. We all know soft plastics are superior to anything else. The lure companies want you to think crankbaits/spinnerbaits/top water catches as many fish/big fish as well as the soft plastics do. At least in my fishing time, I've found the Yum-Dinger almost superior to anything else I use.
  4. So I just saw Batman Vs. Superman. I know the reviews have been bad but I've been hearing about this film for a year now. So it was more of an event than a film. The reviewers are right. This film is not good. The best I can say - it's not horrible. Its watchable if you have two hours and thirty minutes to spend. This thing was way too long. It had no pacing. I thought the actors and actresses did a good job but the directing and editing/pacing were off. So if you want to see this then go ahead but don't expect to have much fun. I would say wait till it's at Red Box. By the way - Ben Affleck is pretty good as Batman. He's shown as sort of growing a little older now and some what unhinged/crazed by Superman. Warner Brothers and DC have been really falling far behind Marvel when it comes to super hero movies movies. It looks like this summer is going to be dominated with super hero films. Should be fun.
  5. You've probably been brain washed like most of us (to a certain extent) by the fishing companies that tell you over and over you must have fifty different reels, fifty different rods, change your line daily, must have a $50,000 bass boat with $10,000 or more in electronics, if you want to be "successful" at catching big bass. How many "old timers" had or could afford one rod or two for all their fishing? That "one rod to do it all" is what the fishing companies don't want to ever hear.
  6. I have a shimano chronarch 200e6. Last year I've been using it to throw crankbaits.
  7. My number one line is Sufix Elite 8 pound mono. I use that line on a spinning reel 99% of the time.
  8. I was at Gander Mountain today and I was looking at the Lews baitcasters. They had three or four or five different ones. I keep hearing and reading that people love all those Lews baitcasters. I'm not a fan of baitcasters (I have Shimano Chronarch) but now I want to buy another baitcaster to play around with. I would like to buy one that can cast well with 12 mono for Texas rigs, medium size spinner baits and soft swim baits (Gambler EZ). Any suggestions? My price range is around $200 or under. Thanks!
  9. Seems like there is KVD and then everybody else. I get the feeling KVD could never come close to winning again and it would still be KVD and everybody else far behind.
  10. I caught my biggest bass last year in a clear water strip pit after the rain when the water was cloudy/muddy from the rain. So now this year I'm looking and hoping it rains and stains up that clear water so the big bass will have a harder time seeing me and come out more.
  11. Iv'e tried to pay a little attention to fronts and barometric pressure but I've found it just never works. I've not experienced any great feeding frenzies when I've gone fishing before a storm.
  12. I've seen him on fishing shows the past few years pushing his giant crankbaits that I think are lame. If you like them, fine. But I don't like them.
  13. My main line is 8 pound Sufix Elite Mono. I use that on a spinning reel and I'm casting with that 99.9% of the time, Texas rigging/spit shot/etc...
  14. I fish clear water strip pits and last year I bought a couple of action cams and rigged up a pole to dunk my cams underwater. The result - green looking water and not much visibility. I think shooting underwater is pretty much is a waste of time, even in clear water. But if you want to give it a try then go for it.
  15. I guess I wouldn't mind being in a kayak tournament but I can see myself paddling my Ride 115 around and getting tired real quick while others are peddling or have a motor between their legs and zooming past me and that would tick me off big time. Those kayaks with motors or peddling props need their own class. Iv'e seen some pictures on some club websites showing them in their kayaks and tournaments and frankly, I saw so many pictures of people with the peddle drive and looking so "preppy" it turned me off. That's not say I'm against kayaks with motors, I would like to get a WS ATAK with motor in the future. But lets be real, a kayak with a trolling motor is not a kayak.
  16. I was hoping Mike Iaconelli would win. If Iaconelli did not win I was pulling for Aaron Martens, KVD, Greg Hackney and Ott DeFoe and Randy Howell. The only person I didn't want to see win was John Crews Jr. I don't know much about Howell (except he won the Classic) but he seems like a really nice guy. Edwin Evers seems like a really nice guy too so good for him. Why should KVD try anymore? His name is in every Walmart and sporting goods store and magazine in the U.S. What's left for him to do? He does seem to crush the competition more times than not on MLF.
  17. Edwin Evers from Oklahoma = won the BassMaster Classic in Oklahoma. Casey Ashley from South Carolina = one the BassMaster Classic in South Carolina. Randy Howell from Alabama = won the BassMaster Classic in Alabama. What's the deal? Also, why isn't this thing on TV live? Instead we have to wait a month or more to see it on ESPN. Surely one of the outdoor hunting/fishing networks would be willing to show it live over the weekend. BassMaster needs to ditch ESPN.
  18. The new BassMaster website is sucky.
  19. Bought a new Shimano Symetre 2500 at Gander Mountain Saturday night. Went back to buy some 8 pound Sufix Elite mono for it. Also bought some ten pound Sufix Elite mono. So this season I will have my Stradic CI4+ spinning reel with eight pound fluorocarbon and my new Symetre with eight pound Sufix mono. The battle begins on which line catches the most bass. Also bought some Sufix braid even though I'm not a big braid fan.
  20. Right now my favorite is the British father and son team Totally Awesome Fishing Show. I think the father is actually a pro fisherman, used to write for magazines and has some older DVD's out (I think for the British/Euro market) on big game fishing. He's not into the rods or reels much, more into actually getting out there and throwing those lures or live bait. Also, he does mostly bank fishing.
  21. So I was watching one of those guys on youtube, I think fishing with flair, and he not only announced he was going to start having his own pro staff of fisherman but coming out with his own line of clothing. Huh? This is too freaking much. Spring is coming and I can feel a great unsubscribing taking place in a few weeks with my youtube account. Still, YouTube beats the cable TV fishing shows pretty easy.
  22. Another jerk bait I'll knot catch a single fish on. Nope, I've seen this at Gander Mountain Saturday and was tempted, but I remember buying last years new Rapala jerk bait and trying it out in the early spring and not getting a bite. This new one looks a little more finesse but still, I'm not buying one and have sworn off all jerk baits this year.
  23. I would pick Bill Dance because I really enjoy his show but when it comes down to it - I would have to pick Jimmy Houston because every time I turn his show on he's laughing and acting like he's having a great time.
  24. I went to the Indianapolis Outdoor/RV/Boat show on Sunday. They were having their first ever Fly Rod weekend (along with their regular fishing stuff). I had a chance to watch a pro talk about making basic casts. My brother asked one of the guys selling stuff to show him how to double hall. He showed both of us and gave me a catalog of the rods he was representing. I was flipping thru the catalog (Temple Fork Outfitters) and noticed that guy was in the catalog listed as a pro along with some famous people like Lefty Kreh and Flip Pallot. Also held an $800 dollar rod, Hardy I think. The representative was nice but I'm not sure I would spend $800 or more on a rod and their is no way I would spend $3,000 on a bamboo rod. I'll get along fine with my Fenwick and will upgrade when I'm ready.
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