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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Definitely the Ned rig.
  2. The Academy store had six, eight, twelve, fourteen, sixteen and twenty pound CX line but no twelve pound line! Ugh. lol. I decided to give the twelve pound CX line a try. Also go regular ten pound Stren that I know will work for me. So I put on that CX twelve pound line and to my surprise it does not jump off the reel like that Maxima ten pound line did. This CX twelve pound line seems to be managable. Wow. The diameter of the line is acutally smaller than the Stren ten pound line.
  3. I had a bad experience this evening, put on some 10 pound Maxima Ultra green or whatever its called, on one of my Shimano spinning reels. The memory was horrible. I hardly used it when I went kayak night fishing tonight. I'm going to yank that stuff off. No wonder the fly fising fans like that line - its stiff! I'm a big fan of Sufix Elite mono in six, eight and ten pound line on my spinning reels. I know ten pound will work for me. Last year I had on McCoy Mean Green ten pound on one of my spinnign reels and it handled nicely. I currently have six pound CX Premium on one reel and its handling nice. I'm wondering about their ten pound line. Can ten pound CX Premium be put on a 2500 size Shimano reel? If not I guess I will go back to Sufix Elite mono, try Stren or order some McCoy. Thanks!
  4. I think it is a mistake when youtubers announce they are quitting their day job and doing videos full time for a living. They would be better off keeping that quiet.
  5. I used to use the Palomar knot almost exclusively to tie everything. It was quick and nothing beats its strength. But I have to admit I've become a fan of the Triline knot. It's quick to tie, strong, and usually tightens up correctly. I think I read somewhere I badly tied Triline knot is still very strong. With the basic uni-knot and Triline knot, you have two strong/super strong knots that are quick to tie and almost tighten correctly 100% of the time. The Palomar knot is quick to tie but it seems to use/waste more line when tying and it's a pain to tie with some lures with treble hooks. I mess around with braid a little and when I put on a leader I use the Crazy Alberto knot. This knot is like the uni knot and Triline knot - quick to tie and tightens up correctly almost 100% of the time. Plus the knot looks very streamlined and in my opinion it is one of the prettiest knots I've seen. The Triline and Crazy Alberto - strong and quick to tie. Anybody else a fan?
  6. If I had to pick one color of all my soft plastics I think I would pick Junebug. Even in clear water that color seems to produce decently.
  7. I would go in the evening time when the sun is setting.
  8. I haven't been able to go fishing since I caught those fish last weekend. So this weekend I wanted to try using the night crawlers again. I decided to go fishing behind a small dam. I ended up caught two trout and both were very pretty! I'm starting to really enjoy fishing with night crawlers!
  9. I do have one spinning reel with 8 pound fluoro on it. I've not put a split shot on that, I'm afraid to. I have faith in Sufix mono, not in fluorocarbon. I'm hesitant to put a split shot on finicky fluorocarbon. Split-shot rig on six or eight pound mono and Robo worms or Zoom trick worms is awesome and a fun way to fish. Only reason I got away from the split shot rig is that I found if I made a bad cast it wrapped around a branch more than a regular Texas rig.
  10. A few seasons ago all I did was use the split shot rig on my spinning reels. I use six and eight pound Sufix Elite mono and never has the line broke at the split-shot area. I don't squeeze the split-shot very hard, I just give it a medium soft squeeze with a pair of pliers I always carry in my tackle bag. I always carry a couple of packs of split-shots two of my tackle bags because I really enjoy split-shotting with 3/0, 2/0 or 1/0 wide gap hoops and worms, lizards and stick baits.
  11. Ever since I picked up fishing as a hobby I've resisted using live bait to fish for bass. I've taken real worms before so other family members could use them and catch fish, but I've resisted. Anyway, I've been wanting to try fishing real worms for the last couple of years. Today I finally tried using them. It's real windy here in Indiana and we are going to get record lows Saturday night/Sunday morning. I figured this was as good a time as any to try them out since it was cool and very windy out. As soon as I cast them into the water I was getting bites. Fish were biting the worms off the hook. After thirty minutes of casting around I hooked up a small bass. A few minutes later a crappie. Then another bass and one more before I ran out of worms. Oh, those worms were from my back yard - free! I was using small Gopher jig heads and all fish were hooked in the upper lip and the hook came out easy. Anyway, I had fun using the worms. Only thing I did not like was digging them out of the container I had them in with dirt. Besides that, it was fun using them. Hopefully this summer I can use them to catch the big bass in the very clear water strip pits I fish at.
  12. I usually only take two spinning rods, sometimes a baitcaster but whatever is tied on the baitcaster hardly catches anything big. Spinning rods and kayaks seem a great match for me.
  13. I fish from a kayak. I used to take a lot of stuff but I found I hardly used most of it. As others have said, less is more. After packing up the kayak, loading the kayak, driving to the pond, unloading everything, paddling around, I'm really not in the mood to change lures a lot. I want to cast and have my lures in the water, not in my hands tying knots all the time. Often times I stick with what is already tied on my rods - soft plastics, and don't change.
  14. So I got back from seeing the new Marvel movie Captain America Civil War. This is probably the first official big summer movie of the year. It's not perfect but it sure is fun and better than a movie I saw three or so weeks ago - Batman Vs. Superman. This new Captain America movie has lots of action, decent plot and is all around fun. It's no secret the Black Panther makes an appearance and he did not disappoint. There are some more Marvel guest stars in the film and they are all good. Its also no secret Spider Man makes an appearance. This is Marvel's Spider Man, not Sony's Spider Man. I'm not sure I liked the Spider Man character or not. But he was fun to watch. Over all a good super hero Marvel action movie and better than the last Avengers movie. I don't consider it better than Captain America Winter Solder though. Safe for kids to watch in my opinion. Anyway, it's a good start to the summer movie season. I did see a trailer to the Star Wars Rogue One movie coming out later this fall. It's the same one on the internet. It's looks pretty darn good and I will definitely see that movie two times. Anyway, if you have a chance, go see Captain America. Its fun!
  15. You can't argue with psycho people. Not worth it. Walk away to fish and enjoy life another day.
  16. Bank fishing: 1. Go when the sun is setting or rising. 2. Texas rig, Texas rig Texas rig. Texas rig three things - seven inch Power worm, soft stick bait like a Yum-Dinger or Sinko, and five inch or so lizard. Texas rig all of those, cast them out and work them back. I really enjoy catching bass from the bank at a big lake. To me its like, that bass could be in the any part of the lake, and you are stuck in that one part, and you catch that bass, impressive! Also, you aren't going to be pulling them out every twenty seconds the way they do on TV. TV is fantasy, even the fishing shows.
  17. Gotham Season 2 is fun to watch and I really enjoy it. Also Game of Thrones.
  18. Most important rule about kayaks (besides safety) - the SEAT! Buy the kayak with the best seat you can afford. SEAT SEAT SEAT!
  19. I wish I could go back to the way I fished the first spring/summer I started fishing for bass - one tackle bag with one pack of Yum-Dingers, one pack of Power worms and one pack of lizards. That set up satisfied me all summer long.
  20. Speaking of new pack designs, I wish there were more variety in the Plano/Flambeau boxes available. All of them have the basic same designs with little variety.
  21. I went kayak fishing last week at a small strip pit pond and as usual during the spring I saw giant shadows in the water. Big giant carp. I would love to catch one from my kayak. Those things look huge.
  22. So you read about what lures to throw at the right time? Just like me! Then you found out hardly any of them worked? Just like me! Here is what I found to be true - soft plastics catch more bass than any other lure. Soft plastics are a high percentage lure so cast them more than 60% of the time. Power baits like crankbaits/jigs/spinner baits are low percentage lures. Don't believe in all the Pro fishing videos on youtube and TV because they fish in well stocked/great fishing lakes and all they want to do is sale you those expensive hard baits. Stick with Texas rigged worms/senkos/lizards or split-shot worms/senkos/lizards or weightless worms/senkos/lizards. Or use something smaller like the Ned rig/tubes etc...
  23. Are any of you devotees to finesse fishing for bass? It seems every year I go thru the same process - in winter I buy power lures planning on catching those big bass. Spring and summer arrives and I end up resorting to the same Texas rig soft plastics/split shot worms/stick baits/lizards to catch 99.99% of the bass. I buy baitcasting rods to cast heavy lures but I end up resorting to the same medium spinning rods with the soft plastics to catch those bass or get bites. The more I fish (from my kayak and bank fishing) the more I respect Ned Kehde and his Midwest finesse style of fishing. It seems my style of fishing is more like the Midwest finesse people than the style shown on the TV fishing shows that feature top water frogs, crankbaits galore, and big jig and jerkbaits.
  24. I think Roboworms are pretty cool. Simple, effective and cool.
  25. Is that Liberace's face on the box? It looks like a cross between Elvis and Liberace. Looks like Ebay has a few for sale and they say its from the 1990s. $16.00 to $50.00.
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