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    Between 6-7 lbs
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    R.C. electric glider flying!

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    I enjoy bass fishing. 

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  1. I'm very sad.
  2. Yeah, I really enjoy watching Evers and would pick him if I ever had a chance to fish with a pro.
  3. The Indiana Outdoor show (boat/sport/travel show) is already cancelled too and that takes place near the end of February. I don't think early 2021 is going to be any different than 2020. same old same old.
  4. For me, 7 foot or so mh spinning rod, Shimano spinning reel with eight pound mono. With that I can fish all I want and fish in dirty and super clear deep water.
  5. I'm an MLF fan or was a real big fan but my biggest problem with MLF is it seems they are editing and cutting from one angler to the next too quickly and not showing as much "fishing" as they once did. Now they seem to focus on hookset and reeling in the fish and angler saying something for the camera, then they quickly cut to the next guy doing the same thing. Another big problem - they are on the Discovery Channel which I consider total 100% trash. Another problem, I see them on Outdoor Channel, Discover Channel, Sportsman Channel, and CBS Sports Network and I'm not not exactly sure what MLF tournament I'm watching, I mean, it all looks the same. With the NFL or baseball its either regular season or playoffs. Even college football or basketball its regular season or bowl games or playoffs. With MLF, it looks more and more the same. I did watch a little of the last tournament on Discovery Channel and it looked more and more like they were trying to fit in with all the the other reality TV trash shows on that network. Not good. MLF needs to hire new editing experts.
  6. I'll believe it when I see it. NFL thinks they will play this year too. MLB keeps coming up with a stupid plan to play all games in Arizona (in the desert with Moses and the Israelites). Don't believe it. Every freaking expert on TV and radio keeps saying the virus is going to rebound. Hopefully things will get better but I don't see it happening. Of course no one knows whats going to happen.
  7. If I'm serious about bass fishing I only take two rods - spinning, eight and six pound line, and Texas rigging soft plastics or split-shot soft plastics.
  8. I don't why I hold this guy in such high regard but I do. Maybe its because I discovered, when I first started fishing, you don't need heavy line to fish for bass. All you need is six and eight pound line, maybe 4 and 10, on spinning reels and that's it! And I totally agree with him that light line/spinning reels/rods are sporting equipment and heavy line/rod/baitcasters are "hossing" equipment. I think the videos featuring Charlie Brewer are a classic and should be preserved by the U.S. government on the National Film Registry.
  9. Awesome, great news!
  10. Speaking of being cancelled, what about the fishing shows that will be on TV next year? Aren't most or all of them filmed a year before? I've been wondering, have Bill Dance and the other fishing shows been recording their shows for next year? What about the MLF Cup events? Are they shooting/recording the Cup events this year to air next year or have they been cancelled too?
  11. Or the Mike Iaconelli baby kitten swimbait from River to Sea.
  12. I've been fishing from a kayak the last five or six years and I'll tell you what this forum told me back then - the seat is the most important of all. Buy the kayak that has the most comfortable seat (that you can afford). That's the kayak I have - Ride 115. Yeah, its heavy isn't? lol. That kayak makes you feel every bit of weight when you load and unload it. lol. Its stable though and I trust that kayak (with my life jacket) with my life on cold water in early spring.
  13. Oh yeah. I would like to see MLF adopt that too. If they did I bet it would really catch on in a few years and we would start seeing more barbless hooks in the stores.
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