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  1. Thanks everyone for feedback..getting Chuck's Rod Repair to do the job. No luck breaking down rod for easy public transportation travel..will just be sure not to poke anyone's eye out.
  2. thanks so much for the feedback i think im going to go ahead and get it pro done dont wanna risk any further mishaps(js4324). gonna give that technique a try (coachdog).
  3. hi i recently tried to break down my rod for easy travel, but when i previously put two pieces together i went overboard with pressure and now the pieces wont break down. any suggestions on how to break down? my main concern is that i snapped the bottom eye off the rod and would like to repair it, ive heard i need some special type of tape to put a new one on. please excuse any incorrect part labeling i know what i call the top eye is considered rod tip, im talking about the same piece but the one at bottom of the rod. any feedback is welcome!
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