Well I had a lovely fathers day , got some new duo realis 120's .... Now thats a nice gift . Well as things began to wind down , I decided it was time to drown some worms . It was hot and wouldn't you know it about 500 other people decided it was that time as well . I began evaluating the area and situation , bobbers were everywhere . Even saw one guy with a wacky rigged senko and bobber setup ... new one for me . Started with the trusty drop shot as the water and air temp were very high . Slowly but surely began pulling them out 1 by 1 all dinks . People are taking notice of me catching fish , kinda cool and weird at the same time . Finally hook a good one , playing it smooth not hoss him in , Walk down the bank / drop off . Scoop him up and he shakes his head loose of my hand , so I quickly grab the line as he shakes his head one last hard time and POP .... there goes my fish and drop shot setup with him . At this point all I could do was laugh .... and everyone else watching the big idiot loose a nice fish . So whats your last instance of real genius ?