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speed craw

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Everything posted by speed craw

  1. Sorry for your sister's family , my prayers are with your family . For your friends , that is what you call someone genuine friends . I have probably 4 friends like that the others are just acquaintances . You don't have those on every corner , count your blessings that you have them .
  2. Raider short of you meeting the witch doctor from thinner or having an exorcism , lord we wish . Youre goals are unrealistic , try to average a few lbs a week or every other week . Take your time , much healthier that way and try to find a friend to workout with . Helps a lot with motivation , plus the energy .... after a few months post some pics so we can all see your progress.
  3. Just realized you changed your avatar . No more doll butt ? You need to do your sons stroller in a gwar theme ... kids appreciate that kinda stuff . Trust me the old lady will say I can't believe we didn't do this sooner , Cut kid I though
  4. I applaud the OP in his decision to inform the youngsters . Now I am not one for confrontation , however it makes my blood boil when someone abuses another living creature . Be respectful , it's a living creature that took years to get that size and for everyone else to enjoy .
  5. Yeah I kinda did that already . I didn't read all of the he op's thread title It was about skipping jigs / texas rigs in a boats dock . I assumed they were talking about the floating boat docks that winch the boats out of water . I suggested skipping a jig under the boat , didn't realize they were talking about boats in the slip at the dock . Kinda hard to skip a jig under a boat thats already in the water ... talk about some david copperfield stuff. Good lord I felt like a moron .
  6. The problem is she is just as devious as I am so I am a little nervous .
  7. So my company has acquired a new email system to each salesperson , me and my boss . So I have been sending emails to my brother saying we are sorry for running over your dog , and backing over your mailbox trying to leave , some to my family with awesome success . I just sent a pic to my dad showing a dent in a car like mine saying he rear ended me ... ha ha
  8. I fish lakes , ponds with beavers. They can be both good and bad , meaning when they are actively swimming around my general area , yes fishing shuts down . However when he is not around I will routinely target the mound or area directly surrounding and will pull fish off that sucker left and right . Pick apart every singles stick , branch , etc as they hold fish . I have fished over one vertically with a drop shot and literally caught fish for 10 or so minutes back to back .
  9. Ahhh that was pretty funny , for a sec I was thinking it was abouy to start with death metal.
  10. Yes... I lost a fish that got me wrapped up in a submerged tree . In last desperation I pull the line trying to break free . But the branch broke free launching my chatterbait 90mph into the side of my leg . I had a sideways chatterbait bruise on my leg for 2 weeks , coolest bruise ever.
  11. Yes I carry daily for one reason , better to have one and not need it then not have one and need it . I have had it in some scary situations and due to the fact that it was visible they situation stayed calm . Not saying I pull it out and threaten but better to know what's at stake .
  12. Raider yall need to dress the same and take a pic for all us to see.... hopefully not in your huggies as well .
  13. To some extent we all feel bad but , like Crestliner2008 said its the circle of life nothing goes to waste .
  14. My grandpa always said you carry a handkerchief and a pocket knife , now I don't know about the handkerchief but I always carry a knife , and keep a multitool in my fishing bag .
  15. I think you just making it overly complicated. I fish a texas rig exactly the same as a jig . There is literally no difference just water temp designation. Think your using a jig so your confidence will be high.
  16. Your fishing the right baits , but what test line are you using ? Keep in mind your going to have and play with the tag lengths . I have fished them short as 3 inches as that was the only way I got bit. I love fishing mine vertically in cover if I can find it . I like to start with a longer tag end as I feel I have greater control of raising the bait up and kill it and just let it float down , awsome rigged wacky . Other times I will find current and let it sit and it will flick its tail like a fleeing minnow. Other times I will literally just leave in place for sometimes up to 2 minutes if I feel that fish are in the area. To me I think of it as a bass is forced to just stare at it getting ticked or hungry .
  17. okuma ev-a are nice for the price range . They have a medium heavy fishes more like a medium . Excellent rod for shakey heads , small crankbaits , drop shots etc .
  18. In reference to bigfoot and reading thoughts , my wife has the uncanny ability to know when i'm about to let one rip and sends me a look like I swear to god . So if its a big foot , that can do this it has to be a female ... just sayin .
  19. I keep my baitcaster very loose , as far as rod I like a medium to medium heavy fast action 6-6 to 7-0 . Different baits have different friction levels . Craws, tubes , senkos skip best , however lizards because of the flat under belly work well to . I like a finesse jigs or texas rigs with full size trailer , certain jig he3ad styles have more friction and can cause for more aggravation and backlash . If you can find a screw lock wire tired jigs these are my first option for durability of violent and consistent skips . Pull the skirt off the bottom and move the skirt to the sides and on top of the plastic to allow for easier skipp ability . Smaller finesse and texas rig lures are easier to skip , but once you master the small stuff you can skip the larger 3/8ths and 5/16ths oz a lot easier and farther . Practice different positions as not every spot will have the direct lanes for skipping , the more versed you are the more ridiculous places you can pull fish from . I go to the lake or even creeks and just practice one to 3 times a week , along with jerkbaits to stay on top of my game . DONT KEEP YOUR BRAKES tight with the as this will cause a nightmare . If you want to see some ridiculous action check out tim cline tips for skipping a jig on youtube ..... Sweet jebus that guy is awesome . Just remember it takes time lots of time and patience . But once you learn it you can skip just about anything keeping it realistically to crazy places .
  20. He should write a poem about raider peeing on an office plant " i'll buy that for a dollar . "
  21. Call a few cajuns , over population to under population when 20 f150's roll up .
  22. HEY RAIDER .... I'm in georgia I can round up the boys , hunting dogs , torches , pitch forks .... overalls are optional and dont forget straw hats you can't go shooting wild animals without straw hats here in jawja .... shoot I tell you what .
  23. You had a one and a million chance that something weird happened . I wouldn't let it bother you continue fishing just strike it up as something crazy .
  24. Medium heavy is to stought . Medium is where you want to be as that is what most crankbait rods are geared for . Medium heavy would be a good heavy all around spinning rod setup .
  25. Price is a relative word . I am a mechanic by nature , now in sales ... but mind when you when I first got started in automotive industry I bought $ 20-50 wrench sets . As I saw a use for them being a work horse for me I quickly saw a difference in quality to do more than having cheap wrenches slip all the time on me so I upgraded and bought some matco and snap on wrench sets for $ 250- 500 . Same can be said for my fishing rods , I prefer dobyns rods as they serve a purpose for quality and feel . To some people that might make them choke . Quality for a price is more over where i judge my price estimation and when to walk , some options are better for the same $$$ range . There is no right or wrong answer as long as you're comparing apples to apples .
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