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  1. hi, i'm working on a project for school to make a fishing pole with a built in tackle box for situations where you wouldn't want to or need to bring the whole tackle box. so far we have only seen one idea/design thats simmilar to ours and i thought id reach out and see what more experienced fishers think of the idea, and if they have ever seen anything like it. the design we found had a patent that expired over 30 years ago, but we cant seem to find anything with the design implemented, here's the patent http://www.google.com/patents?hl=en&lr=&vid=USPAT4467548&id=rLN1AAAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&dq=fishing+rod+handle+storage&printsec=abstract#v=onepage&q=fishing%20rod%20handle%20storage&f=false our idea is similar, but fundamentally different, instead of compartments that screw together, our idea is one with one tube, that has compartments that open. il be sure upload some sketches this weekend, but currently their not fully developed ideas. the main concerns we have are of the strength of the pole and the sensitivity. any thoughts/concerns appreciated. thanks
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