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Everything posted by CAbassboy

  1. Thanks man!
  2. Ok, so i just got a airbrush (So i dont have to use my dads anymore) and i took some old baits and sanded them down and i am going to paint them tommorrow. If i continue to do this and if i like it i want to start buying blanks. I found some great blanks but i was wondering if anyone know's where i can get a blank to be exactly or similar to the River 2 sea Hi Dep, Strike king Red Eye Shad and if you know of any other great name brand baits that have a similar blank PLEASE LET ME KNOW! lol Thanks so much. And maybe i'll do something like the first person to find a RED EYE SHAD, or a HI Dep will win a lure that i will paint or something. Thanks
  3. Createx Paint and Devcon Two tone 30 minute epoxy!
  4. I accidentally bought 5 minute. Oh no! Hopefully it works!
  5. Devcon two tone epoxy 30 min. I hear from all the good guys that it is the best. http://www.amazon.com/mn/search/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=dakotalakesta-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Adevcon%202%20ton%2030%20minute%20epoxy&field-keywords=devcon%202%20ton%2030%20minute%20epoxy&url=search-alias%3Darts-crafts&ajr=0
  6. i been talking to some of the fellow r2s guys, and i think imma go with a M1
  7. Well, i have a jig rod, its just a 6'6 and i want a longer one. I also have been looking at the PQ combo, love it, i already have one. I am experienced with casting and swear by flurocarbon and braid, i hardly ever use mono. The M1 is a nice rod, really like them! And yes, i am young, hahah.The sellus is a good rod for starters, i still have a drop shot one i still use from when i got started. thanks for the tips everyone. I think i am going to go with the PQ, but if i get the job and can afford it i think i will get a dobyns or M1 and a PQ,
  8. I am almost 15 and cant really afford much, so keep prices low, but what wouls be a good rod and reel combo for jigs and other lures requiring mh action. I'm applying for jobs and if I get hired ill be able to afford more expensive stuff but until then I need something of good quality but cheap, I was looking at the duckette ghost rods, and rods like thay, but preferably micro guides, and I dont have a idea ona reel, if I can find a phoenix m1 id love one of those or a dobyns. Any info helps. Thanks
  9. 8 lb catfish on 4 pound drop shot.
  10. Hooligan, Yes I know, but I was just trying to get a general from other people. Maybe they get it from tackleshops, etc.
  11. Hello everyone, I am going to be doing a giveaway on my youtube channel and i am going to giveaway a R2S Sticker, Keychain, And a 120 or 168 Swaver, So i am going to be making a order here maybe next week and i need to get the color that is most popular to people, So please comment your favorite color!
  12. Gotta love the ptl tickler.
  13. Only need 2, but for the sake of the post, R2S Spittin Wa R2S Bully Wa Koppers 55t Booyah Pad Crasher Spro Bronzeye.
  14. R2S Twin vibe R2S Biggie Poppa R2S Football jig with Powerteam Lures Craw D' ourve trailer. R2S Super/Stand N Yabbie (Cant decide between the two) Drop Shotting a Powerteam Lures 5" Tickler or a jp hammer shad
  15. Well, coming from the fact that i am not the biggest squarebill guy, i mainly throw the biggies if im gonna throw a squarebill. But, i have used the Cranky M a few times at small ponds/golf course ponds and i have caught a few. My favorite color is Aurora Chartreuse shad, Kinda like a sexy shad color. But yes, it is a good bait! And yes they go about 6-8 foot depending on witch model you get. Although i havent tried the Red Craw color yet in that model i bet it would work great throwing it against the shore line and giving it a nice slow retrieve with small pauses! I have had one friend bring the idea of putting suspend dots on it to give it more of a crawfish presentation on the shore. Haven't tried it yet but doesn't mean it isnt a good idea! T
  16. Cool, your gonna love it!
  17. II carry a small old gym bag. i get 5 3600's and a 3600 slim, as well as a small box for senkos. its like 12"long and 6 inches wide
  18. How are they, I would love to get my hands on one!
  19. River2sea Bigge Cranks.
  20. Winter, and when i am fishing from the bank and Parents let their little 2-5 year old kids throw rocks and stuff 5 foot from me and throwing them right were i am casting!
  21. Better then mine by far! Lol, absoulutely l8ve the organixation. Does it stay like that when you are fishing, it doesnt for me lol!
  22. will definitely try that
  23. Any tips for millerton lake? I have a tournament march 8th anything is greatly appreciated
  24. Honestly, I highly reccomend hand tying your own jigs, I know someone who does and they are 2nd to none! But if you are like me and like most, you may not have time to do that, so I would strongly reccomend the River2sea touch down flat rubber jig... Strong hook, have yet to have one break off or bend on me, great weedguard, but if is a bit thick (at least to me), and my favorite color is probably brown and ourple or brown and orange... lost my last few on my tournament at lake mcclure saturday because we were fjshing big rocks and I was just getting wedged between the rocks the way I was fishing them, but most of the time you can get em our, unfortunately we were fishing them in the shalower parts and couldnt get up that far, owell... gotta make me a order soon!
  25. Any last tips for lake McClure as my tournament is this weekend! anything helps!
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