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Jon G

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Everything posted by Jon G

  1. Im not to familiar with the anodizing process but would some how be possible to anodize the frame?
  2. dont forget about ebay i just got a chronarch 200e7 for 135.
  3. I like the red eye shad as well but i have 3 colors that always work for me which is sexy shad, bleeding gizzard shad, and bad to the bone
  4. Just a heads up to anyone there is slightly used Chronarch 200e7 on ebay selling for 135 i know i should have waited but i bit the bullet and had to get one since i have never seen one so cheap, even on ebay
  5. I dont know if i will get it a guy at my local Dick's said once they get in the new curados they most likely will have the chronarchs anywhere from $100-160 if thats the case i dont think I can refuse that offer....
  6. I just got back from Dicks and I talked to a guy about the chronarch. He said that they are most likely to sell the chronarch anywhere from $100-160 once the new curado comes out. Lets just hope this is true....
  7. Wow i havent heard of this until now. Does this mean any 200E's they possibly may have left will run for 100 or is it the 300E and EJ. Because if I see a 200E7 for $100 I probabllly wont get the new curado...
  8. I just got a couple in the mail and noticed the stock jig hook is quite small and noticed the ring on their belly to attatch a trap hook and wondered if anybody uses a trap hook on them since they are quite small for a swimbait. If so what treble size do you use? How do you rig it? Or is it not worth it since its only 5"
  9. Definetley Fenwick for two piece spinning rods I have two piece Fenwick Eagle GT (Discountinued i believe) that i have had for 10 years and have caught everything from little bluegill to 20lb halibut in the surf without any problems
  10. I got... *** 7'1 MH Ducket Micro Magic 7' MH Revo STX Lews tournament Speed Spool Tons of pline and seaguar FC ranging from 12-20lb Hooks and Weights Squarebills Some Siebert Outdoor Jigs Small Swimbaits such as Decoy Hydra tail, G2 Shellcracker etc $250 in Plastics I have a Phenix M1 7'2 H on my wish list as well
  11. Homer is about 15 min away from me while clinton is about 45 min to an hour and since clinton is so big it is nearly impossible to fish from a bank so to me at the moment Homer is probablly the most conventional for me. But I have being finding some ponds and that has been a real treat since there was absolutley no ponds any where i Lived in CA but i do like clinton when i get the chance Im starting to think i should sneak out to the houseboat marina and cover that boat with mud to start having excuses to take the other boat out........
  12. ive started buying them in bulk off ebay
  13. thanks i got the one part to stick to the cap with grease but i do need to oreder the metal clicker, what is PF (I am terrible with abbreviations) and the rubber backer thats the thing inside the cup of the part that is in the middle of the picture right
  14. In case this might help here are the parts that literatley slide off when i take the spool tension knob cap as you can see there is no click spring which bothers me http://www.flickr.com/photos/106702598@N08/12016935895/
  15. i didnt see anything red all the parts were black
  16. All i am missing is the click spring labeled as part #1125769 the other thing i noticed is the click washer labeled as part #1125772 will not stay inside the knob so im also wondering if that could cause the problem because on a Lews Tourney Mg (I know its a lot different than the STX) the tension knob clicks as well and all the parts stay inside the knob. So if that causes the problem i was thinking a small amount of epoxy might help but my gut says that may be a bad idea
  17. Well the boat my dad and i had had to go when we moved but my cousins grandfather has a houseboat and a bass boat out on clinton so if my cousin and i wash the houseboat we can take the bass boat out so that is always treat
  18. yeah i just got this one new for my birthday and ive never had this problem, the thing is, is there is no clicker thats the part the really confused me so i guess i will just have to order that part if i want. So basicaly i just need to "break" the reel in?
  19. On one of the very few revo stx gen 3 i own the spool tension knob has given me issues. I have seen many peple have the same problem when adjusting a lure with the knob i crank it all the way and the thing still wont allow a lure to fall slightly not only that but the clicker on the knob does not work does anybody know how to fix it without sending it back to abu (cant do that currently) I was thinking i may be missing the click spring because i havent seen it when i disassembled it, its not inside a click washer is it?
  20. Does any body just use their centifucal brakes and have their magnetic brakes all the way off on their dual braking system reels or vise versa. I just thought about this today and thought i may play around with this "idea" once the ice melts. If anybody does do this in what situationswould you use one braking system instead of two.
  21. Has anybody used both and can tell a difference between them? i have seen free spool videos using both bearings and they both seem to be just as good as the other. That being said if they are the same performance wise im guessing it would be better to use HawgTechs since they are a lot cheaper?
  22. Its actually pretty good i caught a 7.1lber and a 6 there and a bunch of 2-3lb I dont catch a lot of numbers when out there but there is a lot more quality fish there. There probablly is better places to fish but ive only been here for 8 months and im still looking for local lakes and ponds to find better quality but so far i havent
  23. Every time i fish there is always a duck lady lol
  24. No I wont be buying it a crankbait's purpose is to trigger a reaction so i highly doubt it would matter if it was painted like a school of bait fish or not. If you were truley trying to mimic a school of baitfish your best option would be to throw an A-rig or something in that sort of nature.
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