I fish about 4 days out of every week. I have 2 worm rods and one spinnerbait rod. The two worm rods are always rigged as follows: One wacky Tiki Stik, One T-rigged worm/brushhog. I throw a wacky tiki stik about 70% of every fishing trip. If the fish are shallow, I'll throw the wacky tiki stick exclusively. If the fish are deeper than 4', then it's time to go to the T-rig. This past Saturday, I caught 6 fish on the wacky Tiki with the largest weighing 4 1/2 lbs. I'm a firm believer in it. It's slow fishing.. laid back... relaxing....and I love it. Spinnerbaits, cranks, topwaters, etc. will work you to death. Cast cast cast cast cast, non stop, and when you're talking 10+ hours on the water, uhhh, no thank you. I want to fish slow, in heavy cover, and relax. "THAT", my friend, is wacky style fishing!