Do you have a push cart for your kayak? You can make one pretty cheaply if not. I find it comes in rather handy.
I would say part of the challenge is learning the lake. Pick one or two lakes and just focus on those instead of hopping all around. You'll learn where the bass are relating to much easier after several trips to the same lake and get some milk run spots you can mark.
If you want a quick trip, close to STL, I'd say River's Edge Park if you have a cart to pull your yak. Can also try Creve Ceour lake or Mallard.
For river, I'd say the Meramec is a good spot. The farther you go the better... Sand Ford, Red Horse.
There's also the lakes on the IL side as well: Baldwin, Coffeen, Rend, Carlyle.
Bottom line is it's fishing. You can't expect to go to some lake you've never been and just tear it up unless you stumble upon some great day where they are happily munchin. When you get to new water everything looks good and like it will hold fish, but you have to fish it several times to know where the fish actually stay in that body of water. Gotta put in some work and find areas and baits that work for that lake. That's why I'd recommend picking one or two and just focus on those. I've got lakes where I've caught multiple 7lbs + fish, but there's been days when all I get are dinks. Just part of the process.