Well I doubt I'm the 1st one to have opened this can worms, but I appreciate all the input as its helping me look at all angles.
Since the quarry was privately owned/operated, I would assume it was privately stocked. If this is the case, the DNR would have no vested interest in reclaiming their efforts. However, it is possible they have been contacted to relocate some of the fish down the road. I've got some research to do on that...
There are actually 3 quarries within a 5 mile radius. One was getting filled in 20+ years ago and the DNR halted it stating it was part of a migratory route. I still fish that one with good success but not quite the hawgery as the one in point. The 2nd was actually purchased by the city and is now a park, no gas motors. I've fished this once but was not impressed. Now back to the honey hole..I do know that the EPA has a role in a project of this nature. Only approved fill material can be used and must be free of asbestos or any other substance that could permeate and contaminate ground water. This being said, most of the fill material is generated by demolition projects so the rate of filling is based on availability. This is a university town so there is a fairly consistent turnover not to mention a lot of summer roadwork producing a lot of concrete etc. So I really can't provide an accurate timeline of hawg extinction.
I have no reason to suspect the fish on the menu were taken illegally, and said "coworker" harvested well within his rights. What's hard for me to swallow though is that he used to tournament fish and yet selfishly ignoring the enjoyment for others and should have morals and/or common sense to know the affects. While I'm an advocate of catch & release, I also understand the importance of responsible culling/harvesting/length limits/etc. I have fished numerous ponds & small lakes that have experienced "stunting" I believe is a result of not properly managing a population.
And lastly, yes "loose lips..."! Just as trophy deer hunters are reluctant to give away spots, I should take heed. I'm good enough friends with my fishin buddy to express my concern of "secrecy". He was also very disappointed by his coworkers selfish act, and he didn't have to tell me about it either. So I feel he is still trustworthy and I think we both learned a valuable lesson.
I wonder what a 5+# bass tastes like? If it's anything like bald eagle I might have try it sometime cuz that's fine dinin!