Thanks to everyone that replied on the boat with the cracked transom! When I went back to the site to get more information, it had already sold. Could have been my lucky day!
I am considering a used boat that has transom damage. Anyone have any experience with a transom repair kit? It has a bout a 3/4" crack down each side of the transom.
How do I get the bushing the front deck butt seat post fits into out? My bushing is worn enough that it lets the seat flop around and seem very unstable. I thought it might just prize out but that doesn't seem to be the case.
It is on a 92 model champion bass boat.
Check the oil in the lower unit. If you have a bad seal and it is letting water in it will start bindiing up and your engine will not rev up when it is in gear. If oil is milky looking, drain it and check for metal filings.
That is a long shot, but it won't take long or cost much and needs doing anyway.
I have had more luck with a "chug bug", than any thing else. Guess that just makes sense since I have thrown it more than any of the others.
Around here the top water bite has not been as good for this time of year.
I have a Browning Midas 6 reel that I need the little plastic brake blocks for. Anyone have any idea where I could order them? Any idea how I could make some if I can't find any?
I used a spool of it and can't really say I was pleased or displeased with it.
I would use a polamer knot with it.
You can see the red line better to tie the know, if you have poor eyesight.
Made the 60 mi drive to Dick's in Hickory, NC today. Spent about 80 bucks on stuff that was on sale. Should have gone when I first heard about the sale. Everything had been picked over pretty bad by the time I got there. The $349 trolling motor for $109 blew my mind. It was a transome mount though and no good to me.
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