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Spyder Bass

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Everything posted by Spyder Bass

  1. i just got a drop shot rod. i will be trying it this year. i do a lot of finese worms. i havnt been grabbed by the jig craze yet but i am trying lol
  2. im just gonna chuck my tackle box in the water and see what the fish want. i hope to catch a contender for the competition and if so i will be apart from it. ive seen what some of you guys catch though. lol
  3. ive been a couple times. i do like the foxboro store better but i too am not gonna complain. just the terminal tackle selection alone excites me. can never find what im looking for at dicks.
  4. I've been to Deering reservoir once just to cruise around and let the kid fish and I can say the launch does suck. It needs to be steeper.
  5. im with deak at this point lmao. looking forward to stumpfield marsh and hope to try deering resovoir
  6. i hope the count the hook on the jigs for the one inch. i assumed its just the lead part they would measure. and i buy steel sinkers now. i like tungsten but im not making money on fishing so its hard to throw that much money in the water.
  7. what do we do when the new lead law takes affect. i dont want to be forced to buy tungsten jigs.
  8. all this talk about having to much tackle is killing me lmao. i did go through my tackle and realize i might have to much soft plastic and am getting more so i can start trying to drop shot this year. got a new *** ml spinning rod.
  9. ive only been bass fishing for two years so im slowly expanding my techniques each year. i cant seem to catch anything on a jig. i keep trying though. only one time did i get a huge hit on a jig but my knot came undone when i set the hook. and yes i changed what knot i use on jigs. i try and throw things im not used to when i first go out. but when i start running out of time i go to my confidence baits to at least get one or two fish in the boat.
  10. i find it funny there are so many against them because they catch fish to easy hahahha. makes no sense to me
  11. i always rig senkos like texas rig but with no weight. gives it a slow fall before getting into the mil foil at stumpfield. and the price is what sold me to get some. i got the 104 piece box for 18 or 19 bucks. decent looking colors in it.
  12. i guess either. i only have a 14ft aluminum so i think winni is a little big for me. never fished for bass there but did catch a good size one like 3 or 4 pounds under governers island bridge once. just have been out on uncles boat trolling for salmon, rainbow, and lakers
  13. good fishing? thats a long drive for me i think
  14. im a big fan of senkos. im gonna try the bps brand see if they work as good. its my go to bait when i cant get a bite from something else. and yes i am fairly new to the bass fishing scene so im trying to learn other ways.
  15. has anyone used the bps flurocarbon. its only 10 buck a spool and i was thinking using it this year
  16. why dont i ever see tournament anglers using a jon boat. is that not allowed?
  17. ive thought of wanting to do some tournaments. and i would love to have the storage options that come with a bass boat.
  18. i paid 1500 for my 14' aluminum. wish i had a bass boat
  19. i believe its grammar. glad we dont have the grammar police around
  20. i will never buy a cheaper rod again. it honestly makes fishing more enjoyable
  21. im all for *** rods. thats my rod of choice now. i did use ugly sticks but im so glad i ungraded
  22. Although i do really like my bait casting setup but im not convinced at all why its better over a spinning setup. Its all a preference to which one you like i feel. as long as the rod can handle the jig plus trailer weight then i wouldnt see why it wouldnt work just as good. Last year i did get a bait caster and once learned i do prefer it over spinning. It is a learning curve unlike using a spinning setup but rewarding in the end. If anyone has any facts to why bait casting is better please inform me as i am a beginner bass fisherman and am trying to learn all i can.
  23. Got my new spinning rod in the mail today. I am so excited to try it. *** 6'7'' ml
  24. what about just using those foam chunks to put canoe on your roof.
  25. That's my number one setup with the 7.1 reel
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