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Spyder Bass

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Everything posted by Spyder Bass

  1. Maine I hate to see you go because of one dink. But understand why you would
  2. I consider this forum. North East. Keep posting. Don't let one guy deter you. There's only so many of us on this site. Screw them
  3. Anyone looking for a minn kota c2 30 lb thrust trolling motor. used one year for a few times
  4. last i drove by stumpfield it was open. that was on saturday. cant wait to get my truck fixed so i can get my boat out and start fishing. stumpfield being one of them.
  5. what pond in henniker did you fish
  6. http://www.wildnh.com/Fishing/Stocking/current.html
  7. put a worm on a hook with some split shot up a little ways and throw it. some powerbait might work good too
  8. stumpfield looks wide open. only a little ice was in a few places along the shore but the road is closed. im sure is real muddy.
  9. yea catching fish would bore me too hahahaha, i couldnt resist
  10. I make it a point to throw nothing overboard. On purpose. Safer for environment and the very least don't make our happy place look like a dump.
  11. I to have quite the snow bank blocking my boat too
  12. sure wish my high school had a fishing team when i went
  13. Although i think its a bs way to get your name in the books. i dont see any reason it shouldnt count as long as it not hopped up on steroids or something lmao
  14. Yea I don't get it either. Fishing is fishing to me. We are all out there to have a good time. I've noticed a lot of guys get mad when I show up in sandals and shorts and wade out to fish lol I hope to actually catch a fish on a fly rod. I've only ever caught one
  15. Yea it was forbidden to bass fish in my family. They were all about slow trolling winni. I got out of fishing because it's so d**n boring to me. I got a boat and started bass fishing 2 seasons ago and I can't get enough of it now. This year I'm gonna pull my fly rod out again and fish for trout in streams and may try bass fishing with it.
  16. yea i was thinking the small mouth would be out in the first part of the resovoir on the east side in the 20 to 30 foot mark. i went once last year to just cruise around with my electronics and check it out. i saw a lot of potential so im going to hit it hard this year i think seems its only like 10 mins max from my house.
  17. hahahahhaa all i can do is laugh at that. d**n you mother nature
  18. anyone that has fished deering resovoir with any tips.
  19. there only calling for a few inches around here. i hope nothing
  20. i agree to start in may. im hoping to be able to get to my boat some time in april at this rate let alone get it in the water
  21. with all the hype and the pics i see in here caught with them i guess i'm going to have to try them now lol. any colors i should get that do better than others.
  22. thats the ones ive noticed. ive never tried rage tail but that color looks sweet
  23. if ice dont melt soon i maybe over to try out that lake you got there hahahahaha
  24. for some reason im a little intimidated about putting my boat in the river. what are people catching fish on in the merrimack. maybe this is the year i suck it up and try it
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