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Spyder Bass

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About Spyder Bass

  • Birthday 08/30/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Pleasant Pond and Stumpfield Marsh

Spyder Bass's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Maine I hate to see you go because of one dink. But understand why you would
  2. I consider this forum. North East. Keep posting. Don't let one guy deter you. There's only so many of us on this site. Screw them
  3. Anyone looking for a minn kota c2 30 lb thrust trolling motor. used one year for a few times
  4. last i drove by stumpfield it was open. that was on saturday. cant wait to get my truck fixed so i can get my boat out and start fishing. stumpfield being one of them.
  5. what pond in henniker did you fish
  6. http://www.wildnh.com/Fishing/Stocking/current.html
  7. put a worm on a hook with some split shot up a little ways and throw it. some powerbait might work good too
  8. stumpfield looks wide open. only a little ice was in a few places along the shore but the road is closed. im sure is real muddy.
  9. yea catching fish would bore me too hahahaha, i couldnt resist
  10. I make it a point to throw nothing overboard. On purpose. Safer for environment and the very least don't make our happy place look like a dump.
  11. I to have quite the snow bank blocking my boat too
  12. sure wish my high school had a fishing team when i went
  13. Although i think its a bs way to get your name in the books. i dont see any reason it shouldnt count as long as it not hopped up on steroids or something lmao
  14. Yea I don't get it either. Fishing is fishing to me. We are all out there to have a good time. I've noticed a lot of guys get mad when I show up in sandals and shorts and wade out to fish lol I hope to actually catch a fish on a fly rod. I've only ever caught one
  15. Yea it was forbidden to bass fish in my family. They were all about slow trolling winni. I got out of fishing because it's so d**n boring to me. I got a boat and started bass fishing 2 seasons ago and I can't get enough of it now. This year I'm gonna pull my fly rod out again and fish for trout in streams and may try bass fishing with it.
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