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    Hi Im from Jasper, Tx and Fish the Ignition Bass YFL league Im almost 13 I plan to fish high school tournaments in 2014 also.
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Sam Rayburn and Fayette County Lake

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  1. anybody been around housen and 6 mile how is the mud line in those creeks
  2. If your just fishing for numbers and decent keepers ( you will get a good one from time to time) yes Rayburn can be fished shallow year round (Hydrilla Bite), but since the drought a few years ago a lot of the quality fish are caught on brush in 15 to 25 foot of water except for a short time in the late winter spring when they all come shallow for the prespawn and spawn. Now having said that this year may be different because we have the most Hydrilla I have seen in several years. Will this change rayburn back to a predominantly grass pattern lake? I don't know myself some of the other guys on here would probably be able to answer that better than me. But like Bass_Fanatic said a good graph on the points will help you locate the brush piles but be careful some of the folks who put them out get a little upset with guys raiding them.
  3. Good evening everyone wanted to give a quick report from the weekend. Hunter fished the Ignition bass Youth fishing league championship this weekend. we fished Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Bite was great Friday with schooling fish back up the creeks. we caught fish in both housen and Lowes creek on topwater and texas rig worms our best went 5lbs. fish were on flats in the back of the creeks in 8 to 10 foot of water. Top water baits that imitated wounded bait fish seemed to do better than popper type baits, and TR riged worms (mag II camo color) with 1/8 to 3/16 oz weight. The front came through Friday night and the wind and cloud cover on Saturday changed everything, Schooling fish abounded, but due to the wind we elected to stay in Housen and not run. Caught around 20 fish on Rattle trap and TR worm same color but wind required the 3/16 weight only one of the fish was over 14 inches seemed the big fish just settled down in the grass and refused to bite. Sunday it was again cold and windy, we again elected to Stay in the back of Housen due to rough conditions. started on the hydrilla/ lilly pads in the back of creeks with top water and had several bites most were small only one keeper. we again moved to the grass flat around 9 am 8' to 10 foot near a small drain. Hunter changed to a plum colored ole monster worm on the light TR and it got really interesting for a few minutes. between 9am and 12:30 pm he caught 10 bass with the biggest being almost 6 1/2 lb and culled a limit that weighed in at 18lbs. His personal best (he's 13) There are still deep bass and schoolers are on nearly all major points in the large feeder creeks, but the bigger fish were off the creeks and drains in the scattered grass. The rattle trap in bone color was best for us on schoolers.
  4. Hope everyone got to fish this weekend. We were on the bend out of fin and feather. It was a tough weekend, and my son and I could not get a limit both days. We had 3 fish Saturday and only managed a couple of short fish Sunday. I basically went to drive the boat as I failed to put a keeper in the boat either day, however my son bailed ole dad out he managed 3 fish Saturday. 2 were decent fish, but his 3rd was a 7.63 lber that won big bass. all fish were caught in 4 to 7 foot of water around the hay grass and pepper grass inside the hydrilla line. we started with wacky worms and were able to get bit until around 10:30 in the morning. When the wind got up he switched to a shakey head with the same zoom mag trick worm and caught the big fish off an isolated patch of hydrilla color was watermelon candy red. Sunday the bigger fish seemed to gone from the shallow grass but the wind was also a lot higher. The fish came from 6 mile and Housen. good luck to everyone hope y'all catch them
  5. Well There the one's who are crazy that's a fish to freak out over LOL. Again congratulations and thanks for the report. good luck on getting another like that.
  6. hey Sacalait_38 that is outstanding i would love to have that bite. I didn't get to fish this weekend but got out at daylight this morning still no shallow or early top water bite. I fished 6 mile and the main lake points from there to housen then Indian mounds on the deep edge of the ridge. Throwing Texas rigged ole monster worms. but never got the hook into a fish had several small ones bump it but that was all. there was a lot of schooling activity at 6 mile but all were small. hate to ask but are the humps your fishing bare or is there grass on them I have been fishing the outside grass line in about 17 to 20
  7. Well I wish you better luck than us we managed to get to fin and feather twice this week. We have thrown everything but the tackle box from 5 feet to 35 feet and have managed 2 short fish and got nothing this morning. there seems to be no top water bite early at all. I am really at a loss to explain it. have thrown Carolina rig and texas rig and manged to lose 2 10XD crankbaits. I think I will just stay home till the water temp falls below 80 LOL Actually my son has two tournaments on Toledo in the next month, but from what I have done we ain't gonna do too well. Anyway good luck to all this weekend the lake is in great shape water level is good and lake is clear around Housen.
  8. Not too well Henry Livingston was very muddy from the rain and all we caught we a bunch of white bass. The 0 put him 2 points out of the AOY lead with the last tournament on Rayburn on June 21st. I'm hoping we can have a good tournament there and maybe get back to first, but its gonna be tough. Thanks for checking though. hope we can find a big bite out on the breaks I think you can get a small limit shallow but not sure the big weights are up in the grass.
  9. Rambo and his partner won I think a 9 something was big bass took over 19 pounds for 2 days to get a check. Hunter and Chase never got their top water bite Sunday Morning and only picked up three on the flats on Carolina rig. Had 15.09 total and ended up in 70 place. they were in the top 50% of the field in their first year and only 7th graders So I am Really Proud of them. And Thanks to Chase's Uncle, Tom Webb for covering for me and being their Boat Captain. Now its off to Livingston for the next YFL event on May 31st Hunter is leading the division for angler of the year and hope we can get on a bite there. Looks like it may be a summer pattern by then.
  10. Thanks Henry I am working and they are fishing with Chase's uncle. They had a limit today but it was small (around 10lbs) last I heard they were in about 40th place but still had a good many to weigh in.
  11. we fish Livingston May 31 just in time for a summer pattern LOL
  12. Well sounds like your on the right track the first thing to do is to study the maps and become familiar with the lake. Also check with the locals or internet sites that have information or fishing reports on the lake. We don't necessarily want someone to tell us an exxact spot. what we look to learn is depth the fish are in and colors they are biting. From this you can learn what stage the fish are in (prespawn, post spawn ect.) also if tournaments have been held on the lake what weight is it taking to win (gives you an idea what size to fish for) . once we get on the water we use the map study and dpeth to locate areas on the water that fit what were looking for. We start with moving baits (these will differ depending on water temp) lipless crankbaits, spinnerbaits, jerk baits any bait you can cover water with. Once we get bit we will slow down and work those areas with shakey heads, senkos or carolina rigs and jigs. From you location I assume you will be fishing for smallmouth bass and probably prespawn or spawning fish. tube baits are great for spawning smallmouth as well as drop shot and finess woms. The best advise I can give is Practice, Practice, Practice with your equipment and on the water too, dont be afraid to just go fishing to learn you will be surprised when you just go to have fun how well you do.
  13. Hi Bassboy107 This is Hunterfishes dad Hunter is 13 and is fishing a youth series and High school region here in East Texas I saw Catt told you about us. So what would you like to know we'll help all we can.
  14. Thanks If anyone has some ideas for Livingston we would appreciate it we have done real good on Livingston and we have done real bad, Livingston in May does worry me. Hunter is currently in the lead for angler of the year in YFL major league division so he needs to at least catch a few fish there and at Rayburn in June.
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