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  1. i am a very big jig fisherman and have tried countless brands of jigs some are better than others for me personally.But i used to have a man named jamie make some poison tail jigs for me before he got out of the business for a while .And i have had trouble finding good alternatives .i have seen many but they use the ewg hook and personally i find quite unsatisfying on my jigs.I like a nice round bend hook .So my question to my fellow anglers is this.Do any of you Know a place where i could purchase these bare jigs heads just needing skirt and or paint .or ready to go .Talon makes a very nice version but i find the weed guard to be a little to soft for flipping (i hate soft weed guards ).I like a nice compact jig that stays upright more so than not and they seem to fit the bill for me I would even consider buying a mold of them but the only molds i found had 3 different sizes, and that seems like a lot of work to just get one jig head done each pour as i only use 3/8 and 1/2 ,
  2. i have contacted customer support through email but nothing was resolved..I was basically told that just becaue it is higher thurst it doesnt mean it will move any quicker it just has more torque and to check my batterys amp rating. That is what i told them through email is that it is higher Thrust but has less torque than the older model 35.You can easily tell the difference between torque in reverse compared to the old motor.The older moter you could feel it jar the boat when you hit it on high the new one slowly moves the boat if you have any wind at all it is about useless in reverse .And in the forward gears the old motor would make a nice wake at full speed and this one barely ripples the water .Sure it works fine and performs smoothly but it is Defeinetly no where near 30 pound thrust .Unless the changed the way they messure thrust as compared to the older models . Simply put the older motor was less thrust 24 pounds but provided more torque and Speed as compared to the new 30 pound thrust .I just dont see how that is possible for a 15+ year old trolling motor with less thrust can run circles around a Newer trolling motor with less thrust .Somethig is a Miss here
  3. Everything is hooked up correctly as it only has a hot and ground wire you hook to the battery .And no chanve of it having anything wrapped around the prop as i just took it out of the box installed it and went fishing.Right off the bat you could tell it was much weaker.I played around with raising and lowering all day and no matter the setting it was not a big change.I fished for 10 hours with it and it works fine very quite it is just weak.It just doesnt perform like the older 24plb thrust .I know they recomend a Circuit breaker but i did not install one as i seen no need for it in this little boat.Had the same amount of weight in the boat as always. SO i am looking around now at different ones .The only issue i have found is with a 40+plb thrust you get a longer shaft 36+inch and the river i fish is shallow which requires you to raise it up and it gets in my way when side arming .Which is why i liked the 30 inch shaft .One thing is for sure they do not make them like the Use !
  4. I recently had to upgrade my trolling motor for my 12 ft flat bottom John boat.I had previously been using a Minn kota model 35 with 24plbs of thrust.It was a very old motor but worked flawlessly Until i ran it into some rocks.So looking to upgrade i thought a new 30 pound Thrust would be sufficent it has 6more pounds of thrust and 2 more speeds than my old model.Well i was wrong.This thing is Much weaker than the older model 35 and the reverse is about useless on it even with 3 speeds.I was curious if they are something i am missing here but how does a New model Trolling motor with More Thrust perform worse than a 15+year old model . I was using a napa premium deep cycle marine/Rv battery model number 8302 which is brand new and worked fine with the other motor.So whats is the issue here Ladies and gentleman I paid around 100 for the old model 35 when new if i Recall so i was looking for something along the same price range 100-160$ I though the endura would be the one but so far it has let me down
  5. Thanks aavery ,It has been a long day and my Brain just quit working halfway through cleaning this one .
  6. I recently took my Lew's laser apart to clean it up and re grease the gears and lube the bearings.But for some reason i have it my head i may have installed the Drag plate upside down and can not get it out of my head.So i ask, can you insall it up side down or does it matter.My plate has one side that has a dip in it and one side that is Beveled upward .I ask because i notice my drag does not seem to be as smooth coming off the spool Even when loose.I did not take the drag washers out or Grease them So just curious as it has been driving me crazy today
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