Just keep at it, sounds like you are doing a lot of things right. One of the most important things, which you are already mastering, is being adaptable and switching things up when what you are doing isn't working. Too many people, myself included, have a bad habit of continuing to use the same baits in the sane spots, regardless of condition- simply because it worked once before. The only thing that I would add is to make sure you change up your retrieve style on each of those baits before breaking off and tying on a new one. Change speed. Try working them faster, and more importantly, try working them slower. Try both straight retrieves and, again -- more importantly, try jerks, twitches, and above all for this time of year, pauses. Oftentimes, its less about what you are fishing so much as how you are fishing it. I am partial to using spinnerbaits and swim jigs to find fish because they are kind of nondescript and you can use them at any depth and with any retrieve style.
One thought though, if the bottom of your pond is completely void of structure- you have a good idea in sticking with those pads and docks. The topwaters aren't hitting for you, so you need to go deeper. The name of the game for cooling water is S-L-O-W falling lures. I'd look into weightless soft plastic worms or senkos and definitely jigs/trailers that are nice and bulky but not so heavy that they fall like rocks. Drop them as close to the structure as you can get them, but not dircetly on top because those presentations aren't always heavy enough to punch through weeds. If that fails to produce, continue moving deeper and deeper away from the weeds and docks because they might be moving to winter spots.
The other thing to look at is baitfish activity. There is also the possibility that the fish aren't holding next to cover at all. If you see lots of surface activity, they may be chasing shad in open water. That's where your deep diving crankbaits would come in. Cast well BEYOND the baitfish school because it takes time for your bait to dive from the surface down to the maximum depth. Casting beyond the place you are hoping to fish it ensures that it is running deep and right where it needs to be when it gets to the sweet spot.
Of course, I am also located a good solid 10+ hours north of you... we are going to be at a high of 3 degrees on wednesday- so my fishing conditions are quite diffferent and I have no experience fishing in the south.