One if my favorite shows, and I have no question as to the guy's talent as an angler, but other aspects are admittedly starting to get on my nerves. I understand that the general (non fishing) audience wants drama, but the whole "solving mysteries" thing is starting to wear a bit thin for me. People in the countries he visits know exactly what is swimming their rivers because they live and fish them every day. I find it a bit hard to believe that someone attacked while swimming would have no idea what bit them, or that authorities would be completely "stumped" when a body washes up with wounds that match the feeding behaviors of the local wildlife. It makes for good TV though. I do wish that Jeremy concentrated a bit more on conservation like Zen Hogan of NatGeo's Monsterfish. I feel like many of the species he targets are endangered and are only a threat to humans on the rarest of occasions.
Who am I kidding though, I'll still watch every episode because I like the fishing aspect of it, and I like to imagine that I will someday get to take fishing trips to such exotic locations.
On another note--- good eye on him using what appears to be too small of a hook. I thought that was strange too, but it makes sense if you think about it. If you pay attention, the hooks do get bigger and bigger as the episode progresses. I think that this is because the true behemoths are rare, hard to catch, and leave the angler with the distinct possibility of getting skunked---which would be horribly boring to watch. My theory is that Mr Wade (and his producers) start off smaller to hook other species and juveniles that are more plentiful and easier to catch, that way they have at least SOMETHING to put into the episode. Once the pressure is off for footage, they can set sights on something bigger.