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Everything posted by MarksHooked

  1. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/13845-guaranteed-to-catch-bass/ This is what worked for me! Stay confident, watch your line! I am not familiar with that rod, but make sure you've got something sensitive enough if you are fishing bottom contact baits. You want to feel that bite so I hold my rod up at 10 o'clock and focus the entire time. Are you getting bites but missing fish, or not getting bit at all? Hopefully you'll get some responses from people who fish near you on here. Good luck! Remember it's supposed to be fun. There is absolutely nothing like the feeling of landing you're first bass!
  2. It's slowly warming up here as well! Yesterday was warm, I took a quick trip down to a pier on Lake Ontario, lots of broken ice but I did find a spot to make a few casts and try out my new rod and reel. Didn't catch anything, bass season is a long ways away here, but it was nice to get out! Going to try again this afternoon, maybe play with some jerkbaits and new drop shot plastics!
  3. Whenever someone mentions a jig here I picture a skirted weedless jig. I have yet to catch a fish on a skirted jig, but it seems to be so many people's confidence bait in so many threads! I'm going out one day this summer with nothing but them and some trailers this year
  4. I was 14 when I got my first cell phone, but that was 15 years ago, and purchased when I got my first job. Things sure have changed since then, and let me say my goodness it must be difficult to be a parent in this day and age! Kudos to all of you who are involved in their kids' lives and trying their damnedest to raise them the best they can!
  5. i had read that you should put some backing on a spinning reel when putting on braid last year. I had picked up some Fireline on sale for $12, and put it on a reel that cost even less. Honestly I was intimidated by the idea of tying a line to line knot lol and just tied the fireline directly and filled it. Within a week of fishing it had started to spin around on the reel with no traction when fighting a fish, I lost a decent smallie one day and learned a valuable lesson.
  6. So funny because YOU put me on my PB, just with your words and not your boat!
  7. My problem is there are still so many things I 'need'! The bait monkey is always showing me new things online, and pointing to empty spots in my tackle box where they would fit perfectly!
  8. There's a great thread going about what we hate about fishing, and it seems there are a lot of things to not like! At the same time, it's important to appreciate all that fishing offers us and I want to hear what everyone LOVES about fishing! Just another fun thread so I can read some more reasons why I'm excited for all this ice to melt! For me I'd have to say the one thing I absolutely love about fishing, is the anticipation. It's all still so new to me. If I'm heading out in the morning, especially those special weekend trips when we rent a jon boat and actually get on the water, I am like a kid on Christmas eve. Triple checking my backpack, getting my rods ready, reading bass resource for last minute tips. I'm tossing and turning in bed all night, and when my alarm goes off in the morning I'm either already making a light breakfast, or flying out of bed at the first sound. The anticipation only builds as my buddies car pulls up, Tim Horton's coffee waiting for me in the cup holder. The drive up has us contemplating aloud the weather we'll be seeing that day, what we should be using, and general giddyness! There's also nothing like throwing that first cast out when the water is completely calm, the sun is just rising, and the only sound is your line coming through the guides. So let's hear it! What do you enjoy most about fishing? Lipping that new PB? Getting together with friends and family? Some quiet time to yourself to reflect on life, the universe, and everything?
  9. Great thread! Hate is a strong word, but I certainly dislike a lot of things WHEN I'm fishing! Waiting until the end of June to fish for bass Losing lures Mosquitoes I know that it's not fair to say because my enjoyment of the lake shouldn't be more important than others, BUT I really dislike all the pleasure boats and jet skis that fly up and down where I'm trying to bank fish. The entire Lake Ontario is out there, but you HAVE to do donuts and yell and scream RIGHT HERE by the shore!?!
  10. I need to start making southern friends...
  11. Welcome aboard! There are a lot of great articles for you to read, and some extensive forum topics that will cover everything you can think of! Hopefully this ice melts soon and us Canadians can get back out there!
  12. Awesome video thanks for sharing!
  13. I've been wondering this same thing for a while now! I'm hoping I can find some open water somewhere nearby within the next month... this is my first time having to endure waiting for winter to end to go fishing, and I am not handling it well. I don't care if it's perch, pike, trout, at this point I wouldn't even be mad if I was feeding worms to gobies lol. I'm thinking the rivers would start breaking up sooner
  14. I'd have to say a senko, my only confidence bait at this time lol. If it was only one lure forever tho maybe I'd choose something I have NO confidence in so at least I'd be able to enjoy learning something new over the next 40 years rather than get bored sooner. So, a jig? a jerkbait? maybe a spinnerbait... I've gotta think about this...
  15. Just counted. I'm at 21 lol, and most of those are half full. Heading to the BPS Spring Classic sale tomorrow, so that number will change for sure! My wife thinks 21 is plenty lol, This will only be my second season fishing, I'm still trying to build my collection, but am often met with resistance. I need to continue showing her posts like these
  16. Watching the news just now the weatherman says: "Well if you're waiting for spring.... you're going to be waiting a while." ..I cursed at the TV! -20 degrees today that's -4 in 'merican
  17. Seems like a great guy! It's crazy to think that during the classic, with the clock running, he would take the time to explain what he was using to spectators! Talk about great advertising,
  18. I'm headed up to Vaughn this weekend for the Classic sale, I currently own 1 1.5 KVD crankbait in sexy shad and have been looking to try out some others, but never sure what to get for my area. Going to try out a few of these based on the recommendation thanks
  19. Oh darn THIS WEATHER! Lol, I had a dream two nights ago that I was trying to get back a snagged Chatterbait with a telescopic lure retriever from the bank.... and i don't even OWN either of those things! (yet) I must have been spending too much time looking through the BPS Catalog before bed...
  20. I bought a Pad Crasher to try out this year, never thrown a frog before.... I had no idea you used a walk the dog pattern with them! I swear I learn 10 new things every day on this site, I would have just casted out and retrieved it straight for sure. Thanks for the thread, now I'm off to find some videos lol
  21. "I got a new bass boat for my wife....helluva trade!"
  22. I hear so many mixed reviews on these scatter raps... I fell to the hype after watching them used on a fishing show.... now I'm worried I've wasted some $ but determined to try out the ones I've bought and give them a fair go! I'm new to all types of jerkbaits, so I'll be throwing them as soon as the ice melts and play with the retrieve to see if I have problems keeping them from spiralling.
  23. feels like a couple of hours a day for sure, although I stay signed in most of the day. It's definitely a lot more time on here in the winter!
  24. Welcome aboard! Always great to see other Canadians on here, even better from Ontario! I'm just getting into fishing myself, this site is great for gathering information, and lots of articles geared towards getting into tournaments, which I also want to get involved in this year, not to make any money, but to learn!
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