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Everything posted by mddrew88

  1. This isn't really related to the story on Eerie, just one of my own scary accounts. When I was about 12 I went bass fishing with my parents and brother on a local lake here in Texas. We had a 16' bass boat, not ideal for wicked conditions let's say that. We fished until we started to see a weather system coming overhead and decided to pack it up. Motor wouldn't start, we were stranded dead center of the lake. Rain, heavy winds and waves start to come while we all got more and more nervous. After a while my parents started to freak out and made both me and my brother turn away from the storm and watch for boats. What they didn't tell us was that a tornado has touched down on the lake becoming a water spout. We would have been really SOL had someone not come to our rescue and tugged us back to the ramp. How he got us back in those waves we still don't know. Anyways that's my fish story of the day.
  2. What an awesome feeling, especially when its been so long since the last catch. Nice fish and congrats!
  3. I know it must be exciting to catch your first bass, especially when you've been trying for so long without any luck. You start to feel like it's never going to happen and then......BAM they'll surprise you. Keep fishing and you'l start to learn better and better spots. I think a lot of people get frustrated with bass fishing because they can never find them. Once you find an ideal spot that you know you're gonna catch something, the addiction is on! Good fish and good luck.
  4. I found this article to be one of the most interesting. If you ask someone you'll hear so many different stories, though. http://people.howstuffworks.com/fishing-superstition1.htm
  5. Unless you're using a jig I think the difference will be very obvious. A bite from a bass tends to give you several quick bumps and then constant pressure. With weeds you tend to feel the distinct difference, just one sudden bout of resistance and no line jerk. With bass you can feel the hits as he thrashes it around a good bit and the line will take off in another direction (but not always). With some other fish bites can be just as subtle as sudden resistance, but bass are ambush predators that will normally hit hard. A few good days of consecutive catches and the difference will be pretty plain.
  6. I'll be keeping my dad's Abu Garcia 5500 C3 and hopefully pass it down to my son whenever that may be. I was too young to remember my first bass, but I'm guessing it was probably on a plastic worm or centipede.
  7. What a sacrilege!
  8. It can be a catch 22 sometimes, you need to get a bunch of the smaller guys out so that the remaining have space enough to grow big, but the limits protect the fish that sometimes need to come out. 15 acres could be hiding some big bass, you never know. Looks like you've just been getting dinks though. If it's school property I'm sure you could wrangle a biologist into doing a survey or hiring one.
  9. We've been in a semi drought in TX for a while. Pretty much all the watering holes have gone down. That particular creek might be waning and the algae is all that's left. I'd try to find another spot if it's really that bad. Also try a T-rigged weightless worm, something heavy like a Yamamoto senko would cut through better than anything else. If you can't at least get it through with that then it's pointless, move to a different part. You could also try a weedless hollowbody frog since it sounds like there's lots of vegetation.
  10. Lately I've gotten really into plastic swimbaits. The area where I fish has an overpopulation of bluegill and those imitations really do the trick when nothing else gets a bite.
  11. Good looking fish. Yeah I've noticed bass activity picking up substantially here in TX. It's about to start really getting fun.
  12. http://www.bargainfishingreels.com/product/SUBW05-360?page_5398963=14 http://pescaloya.com/es/storm/1752-crankbait-storm-subwart-babybass.html Second link is in Spanish but it says they're in stock. Do I get a steak dinner too?
  13. I think I would have walked over and asked for my lure. Anybody feels tough out of arms length. I'm betting they would have caved. But anyways, sounds like there was more of them than you, so you did the smart thing. Yeah that's pretty stupid what they did, then again maybe karma will bury those trebles past the barb for ya next time they use it.
  14. I caught a nice crappie today by trolling it off my canoe. lol It was totally unexpected, I wasn't even thinking about my lure being in the water until something tried running off with my entire rig!
  15. Does anyone use these two fishing sites, maybe someone can vouch for them? http://www.fishingreminder.com/ http://www.fishinghohepa.co.nz/sept%20cal.html
  16. Thanks guys, lots of good info here. I still can't say that I know exactly how to benefit from the solar events, but I didn't really expect to learn overnight. Time to do some homework.
  17. I assume it would make a lot more sense to use lunar info if I were fishing on a lake or larger body of water instead of a pond. Right? Wrong?
  18. Had some luck this morning despite the lunar calendar. 3 bass, 2 silver crappie. My bro caught 2 as well. Best fishing I've had in a few months now, must have been the swimbaits that got their attention.
  19. mddrew88


    Caught 3 lm bass and 2 silver crappie. Largest lmb was 2-7.
  20. mddrew88

    8 22 13 bass 3

    From the album: 8/22/13

  21. mddrew88

    8 22 13 bass2

    From the album: 8/22/13

  22. mddrew88

    8 22 13 bass

    From the album: 8/22/13

  23. mddrew88

    2lb 7oz LM bass

    From the album: 8/22/13

  24. mddrew88


    From the album: 8/22/13

  25. Yeah if it's not something you can talk to the owner about, I'd buy a bunch of fingerlings, release at night and wait til next year if the cats don't eat em up. Or I guess you can buy adult size and have something to catch this year. It doesn't sound like there's any if the perch are dominant all over.
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