Howdy there, Fisherfolk!
I'm "Amish" Jim Schulze and hail from Pittsburgh, in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My family has had a cabin on The Allegheny River at Brady's Bend all my life. I've only ever fished from the shores of The Commonwealths waterways. I'm certainly not a great fisherman, I just like sitting there watching the bobber and letting the worm die trying. Recently, a friend took me to one of his local holes and let me play with his fly rig. By the end of the day I had 13 smallmouths and a grin as wide as can be. He ended up giving me the rod and my interest in fishing has been reinvigorated, fly fishing no less. I've read alot of great stuff here and thought I'd join the conversation, ask a question or 2 in my quest to catch a couple more fish and in time help others.