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Everything posted by Dirk_Jig---Lure

  1. bizz, you dissapointed because they're all under 7" and don't weigh 3oz? ;D He's not disappointed, he's amused,lol. He actually knows what a swimbait is. Personally, I don't throw them (yet), but I know what they are. ;D
  2. I thought it said "Swimbaits" : I like the *** "Jaw Jack" as far as paddle tails or shad body's go. How these small plastics ever got called "swimbaits" is beyond me though. LBH thinks they just piggy backed the search engines, listing them as "swimbaits" means they get all the hits the swimbaits are seeing lately. Smart,....but cheesy. Now people are calling these small baits "swimbaits" and it's just WRONG,lol
  3. The one day I can't go with you. : You suck! ;D
  4. If you want any respect on THIS board,.....I HIGHLY suggest changing your avatar to something that doesn't scream "I'm an idiot"! And welcome aboard
  5. It's been a relentless week 8-) We've been on vacation, the fish aren't happy about that,back to work tomorrow, the party is over.
  6. The rods are built different for each application. You wouldn't put a truck tire on a car (or maybe you would if you're from the deeeep south,lol) even though they are both tires. Each style has different reel seats, grips, and eyes. The line comes off the reel differently, hence the much larger eyes on a spinning rod.
  7. gmans reply actually did make me "think about it" with the 3 primary colors (blue,red, yellow),you can make most other colors. i.e no need for orange, just dip red over yellow I voted red, it's the only primary missing the REAL question is, when did YOU start caring about color???? ;D
  8. This was addressed with you privately, but since you have decided to pursue this publicly, let me be clear: This is a privately owned forum with guidelines and rules. We are "Family Friendly", broadly defined. We expect all members to be courteous to others. Our welcome is open to everyone, but anyone who finds the restrictions onerous probably doesn't belong here. We charge the same price for leaving as we do to join. Membership on this forum is not a right, but a privilege. -Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior Global Moderator If anyone else is this confused, please write to: Roadwarrior, evil mods and dictator/owner 3308 Imavictim st. Attn: set u straight dept Reality, Tn 0u812 Juuuuuust so you know- Daniel has lots of friends,.....about 18,000 of them just saw you threaten him. Smart move,lol. Putting it in writing, well as Visa would say, that's just priceless. :
  9. Get a topo map. In our lake, we can find them in specific places, depending on the stage of their feeding. On the slopes that create the edges of flats, the flats, and along the sandy/rock bottomed points have been some of our top producers But cast everywhere,lol you'll find them eventually and start making note of where. You will notice that some of these spots will produce more often than others. And so you learn. Pretty much like Catt said,just go fishing as if it were daytime.
  10. Just spoke to Russ, and he said that they picked you!! I think they are still looking for good things to say, should be done by the 28th or so ;D Kidding of course 8-)
  11. Right on!! Robert, is it true that you live in a tiny, 2 bedroom apartment? I keep telling LBH I want to go with him to big fish-ville next time he goes to visit you but he keeps saying there's no room, 1 extra bedroom that's full of tackle, says he sleeps on an airmattress in the living room. WASSUPWITDAT?? Is he being a greedy hog? hahaha ;D
  12. As for the country, good luck with that,haha, it's the one kind of music he won't listen to. That should get him a few good emailshaha I'm pretty sure he has only been showing little clips of the baits here and there, wait till the fall video is out, we have lots of footage, some good stuff coming. We hope. Russ's computer, with most of the footage, is in the shop. Our fingers are crossed that it comes back with all the files still there. If it does, you all are in for a treat
  13. Excellent! Hopefully you can come back and I can get on the water with you guys. My dad and I got on them pretty good, 3am-7ish. They're back
  14. Attaboy Mike. My kids have been to Champlain twice, I am explaining this all to them. Way to be a role model.
  15. I'm at Russ's house, I use it as an office sometimes. Bday cards on the table just reminded me that I'm a jerk haha I forgot. Happy Birthday LBH, looking forward to many more years catching pigs with ya boy. CHEERS
  17. The one day I'm not on the boat, figures. You all know I would have had the camera out in a second,haha
  18. I'm glad I could help !! It was loads of fun hanging out with you folks ;D.... There is nothing like summer fishin on lake X.. ... Ill bring the punch..... 8-) Fish on.. Eric
  19. That's when you learn to sit back and observe. Watching them can be pretty cool in itself.
  20. I'm really trying to learn new baits for pre spawn and post spawn. Does anyone have any non traditional approaches? I'm all about fishing out of the box. Oddball baits, rare techniques anything like that.
  21. "No show Charlie" Tin, are you talking about the Ocean State Bm open? I thought he made it to that one (for the end of the weigh in!!!!hahaha)
  22. Burn the hard drive Russ, "I did NOT have sexual relations with" isn't going to fly this time I don't think ;D
  23. Ummm 10 guys, 100+ fish. You are from Alabama, where the daily creel limit for black bass is 10/angler/day. You are on a very well read public forum asking for "help" breaking the law? Will you represent my company as well as you have just represented your school??? Is that place accredited? :
  24. So what happens if you can't enter??? I'll still be looking at ice in most places March 1st
  25. CLICK THIS read the whole thing, bed liner turned out to be a BIG negative
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