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Everything posted by zoniezz

  1. Hello Looking for a used rig for Sturgeon fishing. Let me know what you may have.......
  2. Neithe, unless you want a pressure treated wood deck. I was thinking about it too, until I talked to the dealer and he told me that. Says its warrantied for life, but just think about it...........
  3. I would use a large hypdermic needle set up from a vet supply. That is without the needle, and use tubing that will reach down to where you need to be. This is what I do for my motor, and also for my lawn mower.
  4. Question for the forum. Besides not breaking my back every time I lift my outboard to set up my transom saver, would I get any added benefit in putting a CMC or Atlas tilt and trim unit on my boat? Keeping in mind I only have a 15' G3 with a 25hp Yamaha tiller that weighs 178 lbs.. Thanks for any feedback....
  5. Can anyone, or does anyone have an opinion on this boat? I am thinking hard about buying one, but not sure if I would rather go with the Z117. I find people who have experience with this could be a big help to me.......Thanks for any help too.
  6. What are the best weedless and non weedless hooks to use?
  7. Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but it seemed the most likely. I know that the Minn Kota US2 does not support down scan, and only does the broadband, but has anyone used a Lowrance Elite 4X HDI with theirs? And if so which one of the US2 connectors did you use? I wanted to use the HDI because the 4X only has the 3.5" screen verses the 4.3" of the HDI. I have tried contacting Minn Kota, but they don't have an answer, and I figure that maybe someone here has found if this works. Thanks
  8. For the money the HDI Elite is more bang for your buck. Just know that the Elite's do have down scan, they will not do side scan, which is something you should look into also.
  9. I would like to know just how accurate the Lake Insight pro v14 is. Are the chart maps really as good as I was told by the " salesman " at Cabelas?? Is it worth the $100? Thanks for any and all answers........
  10. Installation is easy. Just follow the directions that come with the unit. I just bought the 7 and it is really nice, but takes awhile to figure out. I am not big on techie stuff. The guy who sells Ranger boats here in Boise told me to make sure the puck is about 1/4" below the bottom of your boat and between ribs if your boat has those.
  11. I am new to this forum, and not so much to fishing bass. I have always used bait casters and find myself wanting to try a spinning rig. The reel is a pretty simple decision for me, but the rod......yes the rod is looking to be hard to figure. I basically want a spin rod that I can use for all purposes...............including creatures, cranks, and jerks. I am hoping somewhere on this vast website there will be some idea that I can use...Thanks, and Merry Christmas.
  12. I am trying to find out before I go there in spring what part of the Dworshak Reservoir in Idaho is best for smallies? If anyone could point me in a direction for this, it would be appreciated.
  13. This is the first bass she's caught and got onto the boat. Seriously......she's got a few before, but never landed it. Maybe I should bring a net bass fishing?
  14. I catch and release everything except trout from the rivers.........
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