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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. Got any pics of that build? I'd love to see them!
  2. Gah, just look at it! Man I have some perfect rivers for that
  3. Buy yourself a box of "supers" while you're at it man, he was not only 100% spot on, but you're further proving his point. Nobody insinuated that you have no place on the water, but you seem to take instant issue with the simple fact that some people like to buy and fish really nice gear. It's silly. Stop with the inferior projections already man, they're just not healthy.
  4. Lightweight options still abound, but of course once you church it up with all the bells and whistles we all love it can get heavy quick. I guess it's all about just deciding what you really require out of a ride and finding that perfect boat for you.
  5. That phone camera though... Keep that handy when at Wally World for sure
  6. You could always throw down an anchor and crank up the tunes/go for a dip too haha
  7. Yes very important to note that. Surprised he didn't point it out to the viewers.
  8. I still really want bronzeback's UL baitcaster. Man, that sexy little orange mama might be one of my favorites I've ever seen haha
  9. I have a similar stack. Why spend less than $50 when I could get a "free" bait instead of paying for shipping?
  10. You think it's bad in fishing, you should get into skiing haha... This is a slumber party my friends $100k won't even get you NEAR the access road in a resort town and ski bums make bass bums look like aristocrats while trust-funders abound too. The income variation makes for some interesting anger and conflict for sure. Conversely, I think we have it great here and the few bumps in the carpet are flattened easily enough as BR's mods are awesome. Defensiveness is simply a projection of a lack of confidence brought on by something that makes them feel inferior and that is 100% that fault of the "feeler". Nothing you can do but correct the behavior when it happens, keep sharing the love and let the mods be the only people who address the complaints of the insecure.
  11. Well if you're gonna hook yourself, at least looking like a pro yanking it back out haha wow man that was smooth!
  12. Definitely go sit on top for fishing. I bought a sit in and totally regret it. You can't stand and you can't see down into the water very well either. Also good luck packin your gear, most sit ins only really have sealed storage whereas with a sit on top you can have crates, coolers and all kinds of other gear. Unless you paddle some serious rivers I don't see the need for a sit in.
  13. Actually yeah. I don't want people thinking I'm some high and mighty jerk so I re-explained myself a little better. Not to even insinuate that I think I'm worthy of deciding for anyone but myself, I am no expert by anyone's overestimation. It's just an opinion and the question has been raised, so I shared my two cents.
  14. That's why I haven't picked one up yet and have just stuck with the regular bronzeyes. Lots of reviews saying the shads take on water really fast. Haven't had any problems with the regular ones though, so I'll just stick with them for now.
  15. The part that I think he really doesn't get is the part that you so eloquently stated- it's nature. He could have a whole lake of 20+ ers in there and still never catch one. Irony is the great equalizer of the universe after all, so whatever. Let millionaires try to buy their place in history all they want, just don't expect me to care.
  16. Of course you don't NEED it... Just like you don't NEED to get laid either. But just like getting lucky, man I'll be damned if fishing with some awesome gear doesn't just feel great. It really is it's own reason. Not to mention it's all in the capacity you want to enjoy it in and by that I mean if it matters to you you'll buy it, if not you'll do it in your own way. Nobody's forcing sexy gear on you in any case. Besides, we all need something to work towards. For some, that's what they view as the next step they're working towards and there's nothing wrong with that.
  17. Those are around $1k in my state. I think I'll stick with the $40 for now!
  18. I pretty much feel the exact same way in the specific capacity of record legitimacy, but that's about it. If you just want to start a "catch big huge fish all day" club that's awesome in my book.. If you want to buy your way into the record books that sucks and isn't fair and should be *'d.
  19. I honestly can admire the drive to do something like that but don't really respect any record or accolade that just sat around penned up waiting for someone to buy it's privilege more or less. It's about nature imo, and this guy simply does not get it. If you want to create a cool bass pond to fish, awesome and good for you- but if you're going to basically aquarium raise fish to try and pin a ribbon on your chest, you're a Texas-sized tool.
  20. As a habitual kayak drooler who is currently suffering in a cheapo sit-in, I'm lusting after two in particular. The Predator MX simply because of it's huge flat deck and awesome seat. Also the Ride 115X Advanced, mostly because of the awesome seat, better (and more) hatches, nice features and transducer console system. How stable was that MX's deck to stand on and how did you like the seat? I'm having trouble deciding which one I like better tbh, and both cost around the same. Both are great SOT boats that will make me happy it's just a question of which will suit my needs better. That Predator MX's flat deck though... That would make for an extremely comfortable and versatile ride as well as a great standing platform- something that is just ok on the Ride because you can only stand up in one arrangement. I'd really appreciate some insight into that MX whenever you get a minute. Thanks man!
  21. I'd rather not talk about it haha
  22. I like him because he's a weirdo who has a ton of fun and I like weirdos who have a ton of fun.
  23. I have the worst place ever that I unfortunately love. It's a snaking river under a dam that empties into a huge flat water section above the next dam- it's down a steep embankment behind a ghetto housing project so it's FILTHY and actually pretty scary. Washing machines, trash and all kinds of garbage everywhere... Awesome fishing though somehow. Not a lot of people are willing to go down there and the people who do generally have no idea what they're doing. I've literally caught fish off of shopping carts, spare tires, cogs that broke off of the old water wheels in the old dam etc. etc. etc. It always blows my mind how disgusting people really are, and how little the fish seem to care.
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