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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. They are fantastic and have been catching their limit nonstop since they were released- too bad I'm talking about fishermen taking the bait and not fish.
  2. See, when in doubt I will always go with the faster reel. You can always turn the handle slower- but when you want a fast retrieve and you've got a slower ratio- cranking really fast SUCKS. I dunno, just my .02
  3. white lighters are bad luck.
  4. Maybe that's how he gets his tackle? Lol... "Oooh, two war eagle spinnerbaits and a finesse jig this week!"
  5. There are so many of these types of people and it always blows my mind- also the effort it must take to be such a curmudgeon!
  6. If price is not an issue, I'd look at Arc'Teryx or Norrona. Their GoreTex fabrics and designs really are top notch. I have several of their pieces for skiing and they're insanely overbuilt but in a very minimalist way. 3L Gore-Tex, combinations of different deniers in high wear areas, full seam taping, waterproof zips, severe weather hood and 3D seams create a very good fit. I have the Theta AR and it keeps me dry no matter what the season, temperature or conditions with the right layering. I know many people who have had jackets from those companies for literally years and they're still in great shape- and that's tree skiers mind you.
  7. No option or no object?
  8. A lot of this. Also carp are huge and messy. Basically huge glorified goldfish and they also create a ton of waste. Knowing how fish populations can effect the chemistry of the water as well as the above mentioned clash, I'd bet the carp are probably at least a large part of the problem in one way or another.
  9. Don't lose your mojo, man... Be like water!
  10. We finally broke 60 on the surface in most places, and the lilies are starting to reach the surface too... It's about to GO OFF.
  11. People are inconsiderate for the same reason they're disrespectful and obnoxious too... They were raised like crap by people with no class, they don't care about anybody but themselves and they certainly wouldn't expend any effort to make a positive difference in any capacity. It's not just limited to the younger generation either- I've come across many an old timer or middle ager that's convinced himself he's the arbiter of the waters/road/whatever your arena and it's more of a toxic air of entitlement that seems to be an ingrained behavior for most. More and more it seems no matter who you are, you've found a way to convince yourself of just how "right" your way is no matter what you're speaking of. Empathy, it seems, is a dying paradigm. I just try to be the person I wish others would be but won't and try not to even expect the bare basics from anyone- more often than not you'll be disappointed. I try to be considerate, polite and I don't mind putting in effort to improve a situation even if it wasn't my fault. There really isn't anything else you CAN do but try to be the best person you can to make up for the d-bags. They will never not be low lives, and they will never see the world through your eyes or take the time to know the fault in their actions and thought patterns.
  12. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the bait monkey strikes again. At least I'll get another TW sticker I guess haha
  13. Going to be 70 and sunny after work! One guess what I'm doing.
  14. I have such a hard time concentrating on things that aren't what I want to be doing. It really is so hard to stay on task sometimes... And by sometimes I mean all the time.
  15. bronzeyes pad crashers kopper's LT furbits Nothing is more fun that teasing out huge topwater hits on frogs. It's so intense!
  16. Nah, you just rub a 10lb'er on it or a 4 foot pike haha... I hear the slime coat of a big'un heals all wounds
  17. Oh. Apparently I do know how! Who knew? I'm going to have to try my hand at a few other things today... Like lottery winning!
  18. I have no idea how to imbed video on this format but this video clip makes me wish I did hahahaha
  19. I heard Ron at Valley Sports is always having a sale, you just have to call him
  20. You can't. You wouldn't be here if you could haha
  21. These fish need to stop being so antisocial. It just isn't polite.
  22. Can't really help on the size or weight, but it's certainly an awesome fish and that's all that really matters anyways.
  23. Go to Ocean State Job Lot if you have them... Big Lots too, I've seen some pretty decent kayaks going for a song in there. They're usually Future Beach kayaks but who cares? I think I saw their 13' SOT fishing kayak in there for $400? Smaller ones going for 2-300. Hope that helped! Craigslist seems like just about the worst place to find one- everybody thinks their 20yo rot box kayak is still worth $500.
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