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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. I agree, but that heavy gear has it's purpose too. I love my spinning gear and don't go out without it but it could never set a hook with a frog- which I also love. I would even venture to say that frogs are even funner than spinning! There's nothing I'd rather catch a fish on than a frog.
  2. I have no idea. A few dozen anyways. It's only been good for a couple weeks so far, so I'd say I am doing pretty good. Been finding much bigger fish much more consistently so far this season so that's a plus.
  3. this on a KLT frog
  4. If I were to cast with my left... Let's just say I might as well just throw my whole tackle box right into a tree and save myself a few dozen birds nests too. It really does suck that every reel for sale is a righty though. Really steams my clams, man. Go look in the Flea Market- every single reel is righty. I have been looking for a Curado 51e for WEEKS- and I've seen literally a hundred 50e reels. Only two were 51s and as a result the price was WAAAAAAAAAAY higher. I've given up and even spent more than I should have just to get on with it.
  5. Go git 'er! Probably could have used some new hooks anyways!
  6. Man, it just keeps getting better. I caught so many Larrys last night I stopped taking pics as well as some beaut bluegills and a few monster pickerel. I went through just about two whole bags of roboworms t-rigging the edges of the emerging lily beds... I guess you could say pre spawn is on! I couldn't stop smiling the whole ride home. It was just one of those days- the weather wasn't even that nice!
  7. Ever been before? I love Quabbin. What a beautiful place.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. I like the ergonomics and the finish- they look very comfortable. I looked around for a while yesterday and couldn't find them... Booty where did you get these?
  9. I use the scent markers. They work AND stink pretty.
  10. Cloudy and windy. Really wondering if I will ever get a fully nice day- you know, the sun out AND sub 15mph winds? Really tired of just working through crap conditions. I mean, it's still better than not fishing but man... Having a cast land where it's supposed to or spending a whole day not being blown all over the lake would be really cool haha
  11. gun cabinet. closet with lock lockable rod cases etc. etc.
  12. Who makes those handles? Never seen them before.
  13. I think I'm probably a better fisherman alone but I have more fun with friends so that's pretty much a wash for me.
  14. Well it's different for everyone but it usually happens like this- You'll be cruising along on the internet all la-di-da looking at fishing gear when something special catches your eye and all of a sudden this happens to you... And then you collapse in a heap- even after you get up you can't stop thinking about that rod you saw, that amazing reel that is on FleaBay, that honeycomb spool and bearing kit for your reel, that full dress up kit & matching swept drag star & handle combo etc... You are overcome with lust for said item. You cannot go on. You must have it. In the end you can't take it... Nothing else will do. You NEED it. It could be as simple as terminal tackle or it could be a $50k bass boat. It doesn't matter, you are helpless against the powers of the bait monkey. What's that you say? It's too much? After a week of rationalizing with the bait monkey on your shoulder, this will be you... If it's a cure you must have though-, your only hope is the natural archnemesis of the bait monkey... The Wife: "You want to spend WHAT on a WHAT?!??" Using their razor sharp guiltalons and lightning fast reflexes, The Wife is the only thing that can fight off a bait monkey successfully. One steely look and they scurry back to the shadows because let's face it, you probably have other stuff you should be worrying about anyways haha
  15. So what is the question about chain pickerel? I also fish small ponds in Mass and deal with them regularly. Are you trying to catch them or avoid it?
  16. As long as you weren't probed!
  17. Yeah but honestly- who's going to send it back? The bait monkey would never let that happen.
  18. I can't say I won't think he's crazy but I like crazy people too. They have awesome stories.
  19. This is the key for me. I actually do have a nice little 8 foot jon boat that I keep for times when 2 friends need a boat since it is just more work. Also I like to drag my yak through woods to get to places that don't have normal access and that is near impossible with a jon boat.
  20. Oh man... That depends. I've never not caught fish with any of the purple/pink roboworms though. They always seem to slay.
  21. Clearly your mind has repressed such a traumatic event in the hopes that it would save you from re-living that moment over and over in your head for the rest of your life. I've closed a car door on at least two rods, and also rolled up a back window on one not realizing the tip was sticking out. It is still the hardest I've ever actually facepalmed before, it is always such a dummy move haha it only takes one second of inattention to break something that means so much!
  22. I'm positive he'll be on TW tomorrow bashing X reel because "The darn thing just won't cast worth a lick!"
  23. I love catching chain pickerel. We get some BEASTS here too... They are great fighters and although I've never eaten one, I would if I gilled one. They look like they have great fillets, especially when they get 20"+ The only fish I would intentionally and consistently remove from waters would be a snakehead, but we don't have any up here... yet.
  24. I'd go Kayak to start. Its's less expensive, easier to get around places and get around in once you're on the water- and you are almost completely silent. If you end up getting crazy into it, you can always get a jon boat down the line too or even trade the yak in towards one. Besides, the Ride 115x is a freakin Cadillac! I'd cut off a pinky to trade my boat up to a 115x haha stop wasting valuable fishing time and GO GET IT !
  25. THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS YES!!! Getting off the bank was the single best thing I've ever done for my fishing. Stealth mode paddling into every perfect spot imaginable... Just get a sit on top with a nice seat and a fold up 3lb anchor and you'll be good to go. The world will be your oyster!
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