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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. Or a Pickerel for that matter! Goodbye fingers!!
  2. I've been using the 4.5" & 6" straight tails for a good long while, but recently have started using the 7" ones more and more. I really like them and they seem to last a little longer. The only bad thing I can say about them is that they get annihilated so fast... Don't even need a fish to swipe them most of the time, they just fall apart from being casted a few times. Screw-style keeper hooks seem to help a bit, but they explode when hit still... I'd stop using them if they weren't so darn effective! So yeah. The 7" peoples' worm is probably my favorite, followed closely by summer shad and the rest of the Robo FX worms- which provide higher contrast and seem to be slightly more effective than the regular ones. If you can't find those, go with the "hot tips" that have a 2nd color tail. Seems to work better anyways... And FYI when they DO explode, I like to nip off the tails for use on jig trailers for finer/lighter jigs. The 7" peoples' worm fatties work great as a PB&J trailer, etc. or can just be reused as a shorter worm in most cases so it's not a total loss.
  3. Sometimes I give them a sip of beer before I put 'em back... You know, to put a little hair on their chest and whatnot As for kissing... Yeah notsomuch.
  4. I prefer a H. I've used MH rods and still do for smaller frogs but mostly it's heavy action & XF taper. You know it right away when you're outgunned in heavy cover and it's never a good thing. Stretching it to use a smaller profile to incite hits works, but it can also get you lost fish and for bigger frogs it might not walk them either. When in doubt, go heavier than you think. It's better to have a little too much than not enough IMO.
  5. *Lunk3rhunt* is my favorite "swear word" innocent term that I've found so far.
  6. Oh man that's going to be an awesome rod. I've got an 852 and all I can say is... Get a green curado and free up as much spare time as you can haha
  7. Don't lie to me... There was an eagle's egg in there somewhere wasn't there?! Hahaha
  8. Only when it snags on the backcast. Ugh... Those are the worst. You always feel so stupid and n00bish
  9. Megastrike Or Congealed/cold bacon grease also works and smells oh-so awesome. If you just fill a decent sized syringe (minus the sharp part) with it before you go out, it'll last you the whole day and costs $0.
  10. Pretty much all of it. I'm intrigued by their swimbaits. It their cranks are gorgeous too... Kind of blown away by their product and pricing. Was kind if just wondering if people had been using them and had some feedback.
  11. Only at WelfareMart would I scoop up a misprint without remorse. Anywhere else I'd care.
  12. XF is my favorite! Weightless plastics, jigs, frogs... Just not the same if it isn't XF IMO.
  13. As much as that's a question for the ages I'd say that whatever your favorite fishing technique is- go with the best rod you can imagine for it. You will be on cloud 9. The XF taper is amazing though, that much I can say!
  14. It's literally an NRX ace of spades playing card that has a serial number on it that serves as a no-questions-asked-one-time free replacement voucher. I have mine under lock and key. It was a huge influence on buying the rod, as I got it used and it came with the wildcard and so as long as I don't lose it I can get a brand new one if/when it breaks someday.
  15. Anybody got any feedback on these bad Larrys? They look incredible and are priced in such a way that makes my pants tight. Are they as good as they look? I've never thrown one but man... I'm about to pick a few up unless someone has some kind of nightmare story about them carrying Ebola or something.
  16. I had to double check that I wasn't reading an article on The Onion. Seriously, I lost it hard- not sure why... but I did. It's been a long week haha don't judge me!
  17. Definitely very sad, but I know there has to be a few fishermen here that would no-questions-asked wrestle a croc on purpose for their favorite Roman Made swimbait haha
  18. Well they say you learn more from the ones you lose than the ones you land... Total kick in the jewels though, ugh... But at least you know it's there!
  19. Haha cool man, that's why they don't mandate all fishermen to think/feel/fish/buy the same way... If you know what I mean
  20. Well to be completely honest all I had to do was pick it up and give it a shake to know it wasn't for me. I wouldn't have one on the water if I wasn't impressed with the most basic interaction. I don't mean to speak Ill of the product but it was not what I was looking for. At all. To say I should get it out on the water before I decide I don't like it seems like a waste if you know what I mean.
  21. I'd say 854 would be perfect but you'd have to sacrifice that inch or two.
  22. I slightly modified that post so I could elaborate a bit, but I agree wholeheartedly with you. The small details in the loomis are nice, but the blanks and components in the *** rods give a killer performance at a very reasonable comparative cost. Also agreed that if I was looking to spend $300 I'd go megabass before loomis unless I was getting another used NRX + wildcard haha
  23. In the $200ish range, I feel like the 13 *** rods blow just about everything out of the water. It's scary how similar to the NRX they are at a fraction of the cost. I own both in XF, really like recoil guides, and the similarities are staggering given the price difference. I got a smokin deal on my NRX used and it was still substantially more than the *** which is ~95% of the rod the NRX is to be completely honest. As for loomis making a $150 rod... No way, and even if they did you wouldn't want it.
  24. Yeah I have the same exact one and like it a lot, but my gf has a wooden model with a clear silicone net and much larger holes. I've used both quite a bit and I've definitely found the one with the larger holes to be less apt to tangle up hooks and be a PITA, especially when the hook comes loose if I'm landing a thrashing pickerel or something similar. Maybe I'm just clumsy or super baked a lot but I've definitely noticed a difference between the two haha Here it is... Small difference but it's a difference nonetheless I'm still not even considering getting rid of my black net though.
  25. So much this. Although from my experience, I'd recommend a rubberized net with larger holes. The tiny-holed nets common for trout seem to get all caught up with the hook and are much more of a pain to untangle.
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