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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. His name is Rod? Lol... That's convenient. What's his last name? Man, I hope it's Reely.
  2. We call 'em Moby as in they are now our white whale to chase- and they always took our lunch money when they break off a bait. That freakin' Moby... What a jerk. Always taking my lunch money.
  3. Florida?? I fish golf courses in Mass! There is no place a decent sized body of water with vegetation should go unfished. I like golf courses simply because most of the people who *might* be passively aware of it probably don't care that it's good fishing because they golf- but the courses want water views so they usually will cut right up to it if they can, providing access in many cases that would not be there otherwise. OP give some more info to help zero in on some suitable tactics! Do you have a kayak or are you fishing from shore? Lots of lily pads and veg or sandy/rocky bottom? How many acres is the pond? What kind of gear do you have to work with? It always helps to be as specific as possible when asking stuff on BR, as there are some EXTREMELY knowledgeable people on here but with only the bare basics in terms of information you may not get the type of response you are looking for. We are fish nerds and love to get into it so be as descriptive as you can about every pertinent detail so we can help you better.
  4. Wrapped up *what I hope to be* my last big order from TW before the season starts. Got a bunch of plastics and a boatload of terminal tackle. With a few more fleabay purchases making their way across the Pacific, I will be ready to attack in no time! Also shook hands on my new project boat- picked up a 12' semi-v and trailer from my brother that's in awesome shape. Hoping to get it over to the sandblaster's next week sometime to begin the overhaul as she's been a lawn ornament for some time. After she's blasted clean I'll be repainting it gray with some ultra-heavy-duty machine epoxy and adding a light carpeted floor. Can't wait to get to work!
  5. Yep. MLXF spinning rod all the way. Light baits, drop shot, river tackle etc... Killer 2 punch combo!!
  6. I'm on the hunt for a 12'er right now. I'm a custom metalworker by trade so I've got a lot of plans. Im working around the need to move by hand though, so a 12' aluminum boat is about the max I can dolly myself and get down certain paths/trails/hills. I am trying to keep it absolutely minimal but you may have a different set of needs. Craigslist is your friend though!!
  7. That's because they wanted it to be the Metanium. They'd be a lot happier if they just flushed and oiled it rather than yelling at the thing and waiting for it to work better as a result- but understanding what to expect from a $150 reel would help people a lot. They aren't going to get a Metanium for that price. My guess is that it's a seasonal promo from Shimano. There is nothing wrong with the Curado I aside from having a lot of grease in it from the factory.
  8. If you look around, the reviews seem to be pretty unanimously glowing in favor of the regular 705 CB & glass versions in the fast taper. When you get to the mod fast glass rod though, it gets dicey and people get their feelings hurt pretty regularly. Unless you know for a fact you want a moderate glass rod and exactly why, I'd go with a regular fast taper and keep the decision between the regular 705 CB or the 705 CB glass. I went with the 705 fast glass personally but I don't think you can really make a bad choice between the two.
  9. Well he said it only happens on the second half of the cast, so that would usually mean it was a brakes thing- if it was bearings it would probably do it all the time. If it only makes noise when the brakes engage to slow the spool in the second half of the cast, it's probably just the brake race so that's why I said that. It's never a bad thing to flush and re-oil your bearings while you've got it all opened up though!
  10. Great worm. Wait until you try Uptons though! Better colors, smells like candy, a little meatier than the robos and just a bit tougher. They float too, but not like a z man. I was (and still do really) love Roboworms but now that I can't get them local and have to resort to ordering on the internet, I'll just order Uptons instead. 6" dragon tail in diamond valley craw on top with 7" Robo peoples' worm on the bottom Check out the translucence on the Hershey blue vein- never seen anything like it!
  11. Take off the cover on the brake side and check the brake race- the flat surface that the brakes run on. It may have too much or too little oil or may have some kind of crap in it. Carefully wipe it clean and apply a VERY light touch of thin oil to it, I usually use a semi-soaked q-tip to wipe it on so it applies thinly and evenly. Then go cast a bunch and see how it does. Should clean 'er up.
  12. Man I need one of those sonarphones with the pod BAD. They really work that well?? I just need a basic pic of the bottom shape for deep channels when in the kayak and that would be perfect.
  13. Depends. Do I have dynamite and how long until River Monsters is on??
  14. Can't agree enough with this. Having my own personal quiet time that I don't have to babysit or worry about anything but the task at hand is a luxury of untold worth in and of itself. The funny part is that I used to feel bad for getting up at 5 and not coming back until the afternoon or later but I've figured out that she really does enjoy her personal alone time too so it works for the both of us.
  15. It's hilariously ironic to me that Elaztech is all but indestructible to the fish but there are about a thousand other things that simply make them mush in seconds.
  16. They are one of my favorite follow-up baits I have found for when I'm froggin'. If something misses the frog while I'm working it through cover I'll have the jawbreaker ready to go and it is almost like a finesse punching rig or something- lets you get right in there, and flutters down once it's through rather than sinking like a punch rig. They get slammed! I might even match the jawbreaker to the frog I'm using. Maybe Almost never gets hung up either- works great on it's own around big laydowns, lumber and such. Great bait!
  17. My gf could not care less about sparkly things. The only jewelry she wears was made from stones we prospected ourselves.
  18. Slither K Bettencourt Wake Rat Grand Siglett
  19. Picked up some more Northland Tackle Jawbreakers and a spool of #15 smackdown.
  20. Seriously. Don't hide it whatever you do. Let your flag fly high and if she has a problem with it discuss it head on. As far a I can see, this is me and this is what it takes to be me. Thankfully my girl knows what I need to be happy, and she doesn't want to deal with me when I'm cranky either. She will say to me "Rough day huh? Want me to take care of dinner so you can hit the river?" I love that girl. She gets me.
  21. Man... They don't make 'em like they used to!!
  22. LFS Heck, my old SS1HL was a heck of a reel at I believe $65 new on closeout at DSG. Can't get over the value in those entry level Lew's reels.
  23. When I'm perched over a shelf or drop off, also large visible cover like submerged stumps or even holes in heavy cover or vegetation. It's a low-impact bait so it's all about sneaking it in there and catching the fish unaware. Anytime you feel like you know where they are but can't get them to act on a regular presentation, DS is about as sneaky and quiet as you can get. When they're not taking a crank or are acting like heavily pressured fish there's a good chance they'll still be like OMG WHERE DID THIS BENTO MINNOW COME FROM?!?? **CHOMP!!!**
  24. Honestly, it takes like three things to "make" a drop shot rig, and most of them you already have. You're doing yourself a disservice by NOT using the technique to be blunt! I never stop learning new ways to employ my baits. All it has to do is work once when it counts to be worth it anyways!
  25. So when is the Raptor giveaway?!??
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