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Master Bait'r

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Everything posted by Master Bait'r

  1. Don't wait. The time it takes for me to get my tip from down low (my preferred walking position) to the 12:00 hookset position is plenty of time. Too many times I've waited and lost my chance when they spit it. I find the quick rip while they're still in the engulfing/strike stage to be the best way as they haven't had the chance to spit it yet.
  2. There is no going back once you fish from a yak!!
  3. I'd contact the manufacturer. Tell them how it happened. They love it when a story starts "well I was just fishing normal when all of a sudden..." That should never happen though, least of all when you haven't dropped or otherwise damaged the reel. They should and probably will send you a new one. If not just bash them on the internet haha
  4. No better way to turn a crappy week around, that's for sure!!
  5. Shoulda been a dodgeball ringer!
  6. There's always that one guy hahaha
  7. How do you secure them? I'm thinking of installing two of those simple Berkley horizontal racks on the sides in my 12'er as I'd prefer to not have them vertical. Just wondering what people are using and how it has worked out. Thanks!
  8. Brake race. Been there. Just make sure the round face that your brakes run on is clean and has a very light coat of oil on it (wiped on with a q tip works great).
  9. Oh I know haha, it is the only Nanofil I'd buy! Still have a little bit somewhere. Not a fan of the white though. It sure is weird stuff. What it's good for it's amazing for... Outside it's competency though- ugh. That 17# is just sad. It's like plastic cable.
  10. Aqua camo is marketing speak for whatever color it naturally turned out as. Wake me up when they make a lo-vis green or smoke.
  11. To each his own. Smackdown is my favorite because of how smooth it is and how strong it is with no coating. The extra cost I find to be relative to it's benefits in my case, and I find it well worth it. SX1 and FX2 are the toughest I've ever seen (I'd lean SX1 for anything 30# or less, 40#+, I'd go FX2) but if you're running recoils it's extremely loud as they are a little more rough-textured. PP and 832 seem to me to be the most widely used, but I don't like 832 because of the waxy coating it has on it- it drives me nuts when I'm tying knots. PP simply doesn't stand out in any way to me but honestly should always be on peoples' short list IMO because of it's low price and overall good behavior.
  12. I want an 11.5 so bad it hurts my teeth when I think about it.
  13. Dude try to find a kayak or borrow or rent if you can. Go on craigslist and send a message to someone selling a kayak nearby- ask them if they would be willing to rent it to you for the day/weekend or something. Can't hurt to try, that's for sure! That said, your medium rod could work for a smaller finesse look like a Ned, jerkbaits or even cranks while the MH could work well for a nice jig or big shakyhead or even just a fat t-rigged weighted worm. You didn't list lines but you can make it work for sure with those setups!
  14. Dude, stop looking for hardbaits to do it for you. Go buy some plastics. At least one kind of worm, a soft jerkbait like a Slug-go and at least one creature bait like a Pit Boss/Structure bug. Look up how to Texas Rig them. Try that and report back. Honestly, that is by far the most productive way for the basic fisherman to explore and learn. Also inexpensive and don't get hung up as much.
  15. Nanofil is junk above 8lb IMO. Below that mark though, it is some pretty awesome stuff, I must admit. I just can't get warm up to line stretch that is to be expected in the lighter ratings and even for light applications that require light drags to not bend hooks, it is just flat out better for me. I really like Nanofil in the tiny diameters but it frays sort of easily- but at least it's very obvious when it's wearing out you if you're paying attention it's a nonissue. I have yet to find something that lets me cast as far and still work the baits the way I want to, but this stuff certainly could be good... I just hope it makes an improvement over what has existed for years already and isn't just a rehash. As of now I won't buy it though, because of course it's freakin' white. Why WHY do they do this??? Why they try to keep making clear superlines is beyond me but STOP IT ALREADY. Nope nope nope. Maybe I'll give it a try when they come out with a low vis green or a smoke. Not before though, that's for sure.
  16. Wolfy I love the diary entry style posts. Do you keep a fishing log? Also what does that sign say at the end? Too blurry to see.
  17. That's a lot of work, that's for sure. If I wasn't dead-set on it for a specific reason I'd just stick with the stick.
  18. Well that depends on whether you are trying to punch through, stay on top etc. I'd say a hollow frog, a jawbreaker spoon and a punch jig would have you pretty well covered for starters. I try to frog first and have one of the others tied up as a quick follow-up for any missed strikes. The spoon is cool because you can steady retrieve it or let it flutter down on the fall and it almost never gets hung up. The jig is great because it will blow right through and get straight to the bottom. With those three you have a lot of zones, depths and looks covered and they're still weedless.
  19. Yes, Elaztech and JJs or other plastics is like personal savings and wives. They just don't mix.
  20. Swing by my place I'll fix 'er up in a jiffy!
  21. I will agree with this. Certain setups lend themselves to certain techniques simply by way of form and function- that said there is no one way to do anything in fishing and it's all very wrapped up in personal preference. Those most familiar with the technique being used will be the most proficient at it's implementation regardless of the setup. There is no wrong way to catch fish though. If you're doing it you're doing it!
  22. He who has the best time fishing is the best fisherman IMO... Therefore I feel I would absolutely give him a run for his money!!!
  23. I was leaning gorilla or whale but boat goat just rolls off the tongue so nicely
  24. Each has their strength. BC reels are great for avoiding line twist, provides high drags with low profiles and can offer flat out silly low weight and compact profiles for what they do. BC reels are for power approaches IMO, even if it's more of a finesse technique that you're using. Accuracy and the "feel" of the bait in flight is another advantage- when your thumb controls much of the arc, drop, splash etc you stand to gain a pretty decent advantage across a lot of conditions. Spinning reels to me are for really light powers/actions, light line and mostly finesse techniques that require delicate attention to drag and line to avoid bending hooks, or that require feeling the tiniest of ticks. Different strokes for different folks though- neither style is a requirement and variety is the spice of life. There are no rules!!
  25. Well shorter legs make them pivot faster/easier. Longer ones provide more flutter though. Depending on your personal preference you could want them anywhere- but I normally like the skirts slightly shorter than the body unless I'm making a specific frog.
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