Last night I was out on the kayak exploring some new bodies of water near where I work and hit the jackpot. Huge expanses of weed beds, deep winding river-fed channels and one end of the lake was in the path of a tornado a few years ago so there are trees everywhere in the water both in the middle and along the shore. Fish were very active and I caught a few 2-3lbers and a few pickerels but nothing too crazy size-wise. While I was navigating one such weed bed along the point of a small island though, I heard a large splash and caught a glimpse of what looked like a fish taking a whack at a duck in a very shallow back corner. As I crept over to that area to work some bait through it just in case that's what really had happened, I saw a turtle shell poking out of the water in the pads. Turtles are extremely common around here but this one wasn't moving so after I couldn't get a bite in that area I went to investigate.
This is what I saw.
The turtle was about the size of my whole hand, and if you can't tell there are two very distinct bite marks that have crushed completely through its shell. One at about the shoulders of the turtle and another around the hips. Looking at the shape of the mouth marks I'm thinking possibly largemouth or catfish since another turtle would have scissored this thing in half but do LMB have the jaw strength to do that or is it more likely that it's a catfish, etc? This is Western massachhusetts btw.
I honestly do not know what's most likely and it's been on my mind since I saw it. If that was a fish, that's an absolute monster no matter the species. Between the possibility of a duck strike and also a turtle in a very close proximity I'd like to see what you guys think did this. Thanks for reading!