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About skerie

  • Birthday 11/25/1992

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth

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  1. Same with my lake, huge rainstorm that had Ridgway underwater, and flooded most of north central/northwestern PA... both main lakes I fish were inaccessible by boat. My best fishing is through the hot summer months as well, and into early fall. what's your normal lake if you don't mind me asking? -I'm a ways away from that double digit figure yet, haha, I need to dedicate more time to bass this summer, as I tend to fish musky in the summer and fall, and bass when I'm not fishing musky, but usually smallmouth - as they're more plentiful near me. My biggest smally was 5 lbs, and biggest largemouth was just about 7 lbs I'll get there eventually just learned of a new bass spot locally, so will definitely be hitting that up when I can
  2. Definitely, message me if you ever wanna fish anywhere up here - St. Marys, Bradford, Warren, sometimes we hit up State College, get ahold of me some time brother
  3. yup! NY state stocks them and (I believe) Lake sturgeon - both were originally in the lake but faded out. There are a significant number of paddlefish up on the NY side, but below the spillway there are 5 or 6 that are of great size swimming around, If you ever come up this way and are up to fish a night, I could show you some of them, as well as some good walleye fishing. At night, there's this small pipe spitting a small stream of water into the spillway from 10-15 feet above, and there's a great deal of light coming down from the power-plant, and they swim around by that pipe, one that we've seen regularly is probably around 55" or so, one night it even kicked its tail out of the water before it took off like a rocket, it was beautiful and insane to see.
  4. They did lay off two.. their management is a little rough, we know the family that owns it really well (St. Marys is rather small, everyone knows everyone). Good beer, but sometimes they need to check their attitude towards their workers - all in all good guys though. The river, where it comes in to warren, I actually caught some beautiful browns this year, way more fun, and bigger fish than I ever do for steelhead in Erie. the real action this year, though has been right at the spillway, at late night, watching the massive paddlefish swimming under the lights, beautiful, majestic creature, man.. watched that thing making loops for hours while we were fishing
  5. I didn't realize you could only use 2 in KS, kinda sucks. What is your rod in water limit there?
  6. Kinzua... good ol' Kinzua.. Always some interesting folk up in this direction. It's a nice lake, but can get nasty in the blink of an eye... real finicky too with where the fish hide out.. you can be in the most perfect spot, on the most perfect day anyone had ever seen, and every danged fish in the lake will be suspended above 100' of water in the middle of the lake.. I know a few Bells from both Custer City and Bradford that fish the zoo hard. I'm not surprised you have a few stories, haha, I do as well. Never know who you're going to run into up there.. either get mugged, hugged, or drugged
  7. looks like he had something nibbling on his back
  8. Run into this quite a bit with hardcore bass-only guys at my late fall musky spot.. accidentally had a mishap one time from the shore, though. story time: Was fishing for some musky by a pile of downed brush in the water from the shore, burning a double-showgirl bucktail to bulge the surface, and got into a small musky, unhooked, let it go. guy came down, threw his stuff on the ground behind me and started yelling that I was in his spot (what the...) so.. being a bit of an aggressive person, I decided biting my tongue and not even responding was the best solution, so he sat up and started fishing over my line, an elbow's width from me, hooked my huge spinner coming through the water, which consequently broke his dainty little line off (get out of here with your 4 lb test, my 65lb powerpro says NO NO sir.) So he moved to the other side of me, and set his rod down (apparently behind me). Now this is where the problem was.. I was still keeping my cool, haven't said a word yet at all. The bank behind me, slopes down very sharply to meet a little flat area (where I was fishing) Well.. he set his rod down behind me, and when I whipped my 8'6" rod back, I hooked his rod and sailed it into the water (what little weight difference there is between a 2.5 oz bucktail and a small zebco rod.. oops ) he threw a fit, and I was laughing uncontrollably (can you blame me?) he snapped his other rod over his knee, threw his tacklebox on the ground and stomped out of the area, so it all worked out.. got myself a couple small spinnerbaits and crawfish lures.. I earned a rather interesting nickname that day, first time I've ever been called it... "Pisshead" I feel honored
  9. Welcome! Hopefully the club gets started, I'd love for more kids to start fishing, people a few years younger than me, I can barely think of any that fish.. it's a sad, sorry shame. it's the best addiction one can have
  10. Welcome to BR! Great to have you around! Those are some beauties of cranks, man, they look great! Always an art I've been wanting to learn. Hair scrambles are the best.. I did it when I was growing up, but got out of it (too many injuries over the years to inhibit my fishin' )
  11. Welcome "W" We're glad to have you here! It's always great to hear about long-time fisherman, always admirable.
  12. The New Year is almost upon us, so how was your year of fishing this year? any new PRs? new favorite tactics/baits/lures/flies? My year of fishing started off pretty horribly, ice didn't come off the lakes up here in Northwestern PA until late (Kinzua Lake and East Branch - Clarion Reservoir are the only lakes near me - worth fishing within an hour). Got to be decent fishing only in the second week of may - as a side note, we typically make a crappie trip up every year to Tioga for three days - usually the group of us split up 500 fish between the big group, this year we barely managed to get 110 (that whole week was 40-50 degrees and extremely windy - may 3-5), but the second week, it FINALLY warmed up, and we did pretty well, and started getting into bass - which we obv didn't keep. Musky fishing this year was rough, caught a few alright-ish ones.. but most we caught were under 26 inches... or they were pike. Catfishing this year was spectacular, hammered tons of nice Channels, and boy did they taste good. walleye was horrendous this year.. every fish I grabbed ahold of was like 10 inches at my main walleye lake. best bass fishing all summer for me was with the trusty fly rod..and I think I definitely will adopt that into my arsenal more thoroughly this year, as that w as fairly new. how bout it guys?
  13. Thanks man! I actually, against better judgement, am going to head to glendale, as my girlfriend would be more willing to stay for a whole day if we were on a boat (will rent) than if sat her beside the water with me all day with no option but to fish, haha. So, I suppose a long day out shall be better than a few hours at Canoe. I'll definitely have to give that place a shot, since i posted that, I've been seeing it all over these forums! Thanks a ton for your input, bassfisher.
  14. bump: anyone?
  15. OH and i also forgot, I was looking at Canoe Creek Lake also.. I've never been there before, but i've heard there is pretty good bank fishing from an old guy I used to fish with. Does anyone know if this is true? I'm willing to try just about anything right now, lol.
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