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Everything posted by WiregrassRiverRat

  1. My dad always wants to listen to music.. and in that case the best thing that can happen is GAP Band ZZ TOP or EW&F... lol.. when I am on my own or fishing with others.. I usually dont listen to music...
  2. This always makes me think of the Blues Brothers! one of the best movies of all time!
  3. My local store has them for 39.99 occasionally they buy other peoples overstock and sell them cheap... the C-rig/ Swimbait rod... IS AMAZING.. for big spinnerbaits/ 6xd cranks.. I love that rod.. the spinnerbait worm rod I use for spooks it has a perfect give for that..
  4. So I decided to give braid to flouro a shot with fishing jigs.. and I will say.. good braid is sooo forgiving on casts.. either that or my flouro is super unforgiving.. I could TRY to backlash the braid and it just wont do it. and I can side arm cast and splash that jig under docks and no overspool. while my t-rig setup still has the flouro I could not be nearly as aggressive or get near the performance.. is it that way for everyone.. is it possible that my t-rig reel is not setup well.. (they are both speed spools) I just really could tell a huge difference in the two when it came to control.. What are your opinions and findings in this area?
  5. I pitch with my left hand only! when I was learning I was told .. you need to learn both.. knowing that left would be more difficult...but better because you dont have to switch hands.. I learned to do it that way.. and now I dont pitch righty nearly at all... but I cast right then put the rod in my left hand and reel them fish in!
  6. I feel like this should be followed by a hardy "Come at me Bro!" or a "Don't Bro me if you you don't know me!" "Do you even boat flip?" I made that last one up!
  7. So to get this right ( I am trying to learn) you use the same rod/line/setup for a lipless crank that you use for froggin?
  8. I will also add this as someone that thinks feel is at all important.. I like the flat coated reels from Lews more than the gloss coated ones.. EXCEPT in the case of the BB1.. the BB1 and PRO is just great for hucking cranks into wind.. the Tourney Pro is my all time favorite from them.. For Frogging.. I like the Super Duty.. just for the bigger handle so if you plan on upgrading the handle then dont consider this.. I own more speed spools than anything just because they work.. and are easy on the budget.. but like previously said by ARV buy what you can afford because you get what you pay for with LEWS... I would not go over the tourney pro in their product line.. the team lews gold and team pro are almost too slippery on the spool and while they are amazing.. not worth the extra cheddar in my honest opinion... Speed Spool; Good enough for general casting and reaction baits BB1 or BB1 pro: the crankbait kings (SMOOTH AS BUTTER) Super Duty: Great for frogging or slop situations with that big handle to winch them out Tourney Pro: Smooth casting and better than the rest for pitching with the dual breaks I didnt include the Tourney and the MG because I can get the TOURNEY PRO for 129.99 from a friend and thus I would get those for the price.. Hope this helps!
  9. But I am assuming you use different lines for each of these applications.. due to that fact. .I am trying to see how many 734's or 705's I will need to cover these applications: spinnerbaits/chatterbaits, lipless cranks, swimjigs, and maaaybe squarebills
  10. my only issue is that I want to throw the swim jigs on braid.. so I need atleast one more combo.. I guess I could do two 734s I just dont know if they have enough bend for a spinnerbait/chatterbait
  11. My next venture is to get a rod for spinnerbaits/chatterbaits.. I am looking at a dobyns savvy 734.... but I am wondering if there is any other presentation I can cover with that rod in a moving bait presentation... I have a rod for 5-6xd sized cranks with a 5.4:1 reel on there. I am thinking I could use the 734 for spinnerbaits/chatterbaits and maaaaybe squarebills.. then I need a rod for lipless cranks and a rod for swim jigs.... so if you could try to fit all of those applications into two rods (DOBYNS ONLY).. and your choice of gear ratio reels (Lew's) what would you do? remember I already have a 6xd rod..
  12. Sportsmans is my local bait and tackle. they are great guys.. I have bought 80% of my stuff from them.. that Ebay store helps to keep them in business.. glad you had a great experience.. and also Lews is the awesome.. so you got to deal with two awesome companies
  13. I would suggest a 734 champ or 734 savvy even as sensitivity in a swim jig is not the most important thing.. and as a college student sometimes cost is for me.. depends on what ya want. I throw my swimmers with straight braid.. and would want a 734 incase I am throwing a 1/2 oz jig.. 50lb braid.. IT WORKS!
  14. I would say Powell.. I just did not enjoy my experience with Duckett.. no matter how hard I tried to love it.. I am now using dobyns rods.. champions... they are the business.. but my buddy has some powells and they are killer he has the endurance btw
  15. Dobyns Champion Extreme 744 and a Lews Tourney Pro.. 7.1:1 OOOOOOR (you cant just have one) Dobyns Champion Extreme 745 and a Shimano Core
  16. I vote dobyns.. because being a fanboy goes beyond listening to what you need.. and goes straight to what you and I both want to hear.. haha....
  17. I am really hoping that this new reel will be top notch.. I know a guy in FLA who has put 4 months on the reel and has had no issues.. if it even feels remotely weak on my first fish I am sending it back to TW for a stradic FJ or supreme mg from pflueger ...
  18. I just bought the team lews gold carbon spinning reel.. hope to use it next weekend.. and will post a report/review..
  19. You can't triple stamp a double stamp Lloyd!
  20. I think it matters when you consider this will not be something sitting in the compartment of a boat.. it will go with me into others boats.. that helps with the consideration of suggestions.. on the amount of space I will have available.
  21. I am slowly expanding my hooks and weights to cover wacky and swimbait options as well as shakyheads and just weights in general it can be difficult to manage. so I saw justin lucas uses one of the new bass mafia cases and keeps his owners in their bags so he can know what he has and know whats new..this didnt cover weights.. I like what he did though as it would help to stay organized... but I dont really want that 30 dollar case.. any solutions you guys use that is able to travel ... I currently use a large water resistant duffel and have room for about the size of 3 3700 boxes left that I can put hooks and weights in.. what you guys think?
  22. THEY ARE Pretty Swell. the Tilapia color with a little JJs Magic Chart on the tips will Drive the bass nuts on beds!
  23. Guys I ended getting the Lew's Team Gold Carbon Spinning Reel in a 2000 size... it is on its way and should be here monday. Thanks for all the suggestions.. I hope that this reel performs as good as I have heard on the reviews
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