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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. revenge imo
  2. works for me. put s the bait quietly in the water right where the fish are.
  3. went to a local lake chalk full of watershield and was delighted to see it was still alive. got to try out my punching setup. mustad straight shank flkpping hook with super bug colored d bombs on 30 pound braid and a medium heavy rod. third flip if the day and bam hauled out a two pounder. 5th flip...bam another. Then a tornado warning storm hit and had to seek shelter. caught 3 more after the storm. absolutely a blast! wish i had 65 pound braid and maybe a heavy action 7'6 rod. all bass i caught were around 2 pound but ill take it. Something I learned was it is critical to look for oddities in the watershield fields. a small ditch running into a small cove yielded two....a 10x5 open hole in the middle of the field yielded 3 plus numerous misses. Looked like a depression of silt to deep for watershield where another ditch ran through...each end of hole following ditch yheld bass. Sometimes focusing on the vastness of the field can be daunting, gotta break it down and focus in the areas that stand out.
  4. its the fluoro....no need to spend 150$ on a new setup
  5. lol $50 bucks...
  6. everyone WANTS quality...but if I had the choice of fishing for 10+ hours and catching a fiver...or catching 5 ones...id choose the quantity just to have some consistent fun.
  7. Well this morning the weather was warm and i caught a couple bass in 65* water. then storm hit (tornado warning) and didnt get back out till noon. water temps.dropped 5+ degrees. caught 3 more small ones and missed a. ouple more. if weather wiuld have stayed like it was in the morning i would have slayed em.
  8. forecast monday is rain most of day with 10-15 mph winds. lots and lots of timber in lake and tons of shad. had lillypad fields but they may be smaller. will this drop in temp get the shad moving?
  9. So ive got a choice of fishing sunday or monday (two hour trip back home). its been in the 80s last couple days and should be the same tomorrow. On monday its suppose to drop to 70 and rain all day with possible thunderstorms. Am i better off leaving early in the morning and fishing sunday or take a chance that the front hitting stirs up action on the lake on monday?
  10. life and personal introspection mixed with moments of sheer panic and excitement.
  11. just got my order of 11 jigs in yesterday...ordered last saturday. took less than a week. amazing. I ordered a 3/4 oz bluegill swimjig as i wanted an upsized gill that i could put a shell cracker on and swim it through nasty stuff. anyone else ever upsize their swimjigs?
  12. I know a couple posters fish this WV lake...has anyone been there recently? going sunday and would like a report. are the pads still thick...are bass chasing the shad?
  13. give the bass something they can see. crazier colors may peak bass interest and get them to come over. sometimes they just want shad.
  14. the other day on my smartphone, i scrolled down to bottom on this forum and hit "full version". it was nice and all but the simple version loads faster. how do i go back to simple.version?
  15. How can a bank fisherman read the water temp? sticking your hand in very shallow water isnt very accurate.
  16. was thinkin of trying vmc ike approved. saw where it has a 3* offset...is that an advantage?
  17. not spending trokar money for it to shred my plastic and get lodged in a branch...
  18. ive yet to try out 12" in camo that i recently picked up
  19. local lake...cant get a bite with any spinnerbaits. at night? 1/2 oz black double colorado blade spinnerbait gets smashed to bits. go figure
  20. tw has large bags of missle d bombs
  21. always call anyone when u have an issue! emailing wont get the job done ever...and im a tech savvy 25 yo.
  22. i was goingto go last night to try it but was too tired. maybe tonight.
  23. Ive been wanting to do some fall night fishing and i know fall is good for topwater...but when night air temps dip, will topwatrr still be effective or should i go with another presentation?
  24. dont use fluoro for topwater...ever.
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