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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. My hands slipped on non textured reel knobs, I got reel grips and it improved my grip. I like them, but can be a pain to put on certain knobs.
  2. Can't decide who to pick in Group A for BASS series at Lake Seminole 1a. Shaw Grigsby, has a lot of success at Lake Seminole, but hasn't seen many top 10s in the last few years 1b. Mike Iaconelli, has won at the lake before and is good in grass 2a. Aaron Martens who is on pretty good form but no success at seminole 2b. KVD, underrated by most lately with moderate success at the lake, but not on the greatest of form. I like Randy Howell a lot, but I don't see any evidence that he will capitalize with a top 10 finish.
  3. going to the other walmart tomorrow if snow permits me. See what deals they have there
  4. ill buy 2 or 3 quality proven square bills instead of one bait ball
  5. One of the small lakes I fish has a stretch of riprap along the dam. it is steep and drops to 20 feet quickly. In summer there is a watershield growing along it about 10 feet wide. starts at 2 or so feet deep and stops around 7 or 8. How should I approach this? I seemingly have better areas to punch on the other side of lake. Should I try anyway or should I fish the outer edge? And how should I fish outer edge?
  6. I was a teen 10 years ago. Thought I knew everything about fishing...now I know I was full of crap (and not just with fishin)
  7. d bomb
  8. My walmart had a tub of rods. KVD quantum rods, Buccoos, speed sticks and vendettas. KVD's were all 7'11 and like 90 bucks, the bucoo micro guides were at $99. Speed sticks at 70 (many with broken guides) and 2nd generation vendettas for 65. I did find a 6'6" 1st gen vendetta for 30 bucks and I snatched that up fast! I needed a 6'6" rod and I like my 1st gen 7 foot vendetta I paid 100 for a couple years back. Also picked up some xcalbur cranks for 5 (roughly a dollar off) and a plano spinnerbait box. I'll have to check the other local walmart soon to see what they have and go back to see if the bucoos get reduced.
  9. dt 6 will get a boost especially from that awesome video
  10. greens and browns if you fish in mud, black if you are feeling wild, a dark purple.
  11. Livingston is going to get a huge bump in sales
  12. Howell wins!
  13. Tharp came up short. E^2 left
  14. Howell was very appreciative and emotional. Fish barely fit into tub
  15. I have Howell and Tharp on my fantasy team. Very excited, I hope Tharp wins just because I don't him to be haunted by him letting that 10 pounder off. Link To Weigh In
  16. it depends on how well I'm hooking them. I usually texpose, but if the cover is making it pop out I'll push it "just a hair short"
  17. I've got 4 in the top 10 as of right now
  18. Cant catch a fish unless you wet your line
  19. proper snell knot use a smaller weight if possible (i've read where a larger weight can knock a bass's mouth open. and watch videos of pro's hooksets while punching. They just apply pressure.
  20. My fantasy team has started out strong! I'm excited
  21. three amigos and kvd
  22. mountaineer in italian
  23. I want the savage gear
  24. My Dahlberg dove and kicked well. Just don't like it much *shrug*
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