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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. It's a craw/beetle/frog/baitfish/lizard
  2. Thanks for the responses
  3. I mostly had shallow cranks but they don't get down enough to kick up dirt or hit deeper rip rap. Without submerged grass my shallow cranks just swim through the water. I was looking at spro John md. Any other suggestions or tips
  4. My dicks got a new shipment on xcal in. All 2.99!!! I bought 10 lures...half their stock! One knockers...Real gills...xcs200s..they had it all.
  5. Thanks bud
  6. They have their place. But given a choice I go offset. Shows more of the point to the fish.
  7. Just an fyi...zipper merging reduces lengths of backed up traffic and wait times. Unfortunately most people aren't aware. If you are blocking the other lane, it's you who is being inconsiderate to everyone (I use to do it btw). As for fishing...Some people just aren't aware. Although last year I had 3 people in a small boat motor past me and my dad as we worked a bank so they could beat us to a good pocket. They only spent a few minutes there and left and we proceeded to catch a couple. Getting mad at someone fishing your hole is never as bad as you make it out to be unless they are using dynamite.
  8. Just use tape and save you frustration. If you are putting pressure on the line at at the tape then you've already lost.
  9. Just ordered a couple from tw. Almost all are back ordered or out. Are these really that good or is it just the vib-jig craze.
  10. If you are referencing learned helplessness, then the bass would would need to be caught every time it attempts to eat and considering bass can and have been caught with successive casts...The physical impact on the fish isn't what you think.
  11. I wasn't referencing you. Lols all around
  12. A quality spinnerbait can be yoyo'd or drug on bottom and maintain some blade action. It will also flutter when you kill it after hitting cover. Bladed jig only vibrates with tension on line
  13. Lol at people who want gifts from companies because of a policy or miscommunication. They aren't in the business of giving you free crap but they will make the situation right. Oh and would yall rather them just list stuff as out of stock and not list future stock dates just because the manufacturer couldn't get the product built on time?
  14. I I use war eagle but plan on buying revenge soon
  15. Crawdad baits on stand ups look great
  16. If the antenna float I'll be impressed
  17. I'll see how they stack up to the bomb
  18. You could tie one to a piece of string and put a bass in the boat
  19. Tatula at only 100 dollars blows the competition out of the water. At that price it's like racing with a Ferrari at a soap box derby.
  20. Black and white Bonus for a bright neon color on the top just so you can see it better, not for the fish.
  21. Look at those bugged out eyes. That fish is pretty big too.
  22. The black would seem more subtle to me. I imagine a swim jig appearance with more thump.
  23. Is it worth swapping gold and silver chatterbaits blades for dull black ones? Brett Hite won't use anything but black blades. Is there an advantage of using black blades in clear water on pressured lakes?
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