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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. My dad is putting a stake/push pole on back...hope it helps in wind.
  2. Some of my biggest blowups come on blurps. I feel more confident when I get a series of blurps rather than spits.
  3. I've had bass kill shellcrackers. Never thought of using them for punching
  4. B.A.S.S. have specialized boats that release bass back to near the areas of where they were caught and they document and post pictures to show they care. Saying they have little concern is simply untrue.
  5. If b.a.s.s. can release all those bass that go in live wells, bags, weighing, and parading with few lost bass then I'd say odds are they will survive
  6. The point of the follow up bait is to mimic injured prey. Injured frog or shad is going to sink.
  7. I see fan boys of both. I've bought both. I prefer the tatula. Go to a store and try out how they feel.
  8. I have a 6'6" medium fast action for 1/4 to 5/8. Got it dirt cheap for jerk and topwater but I hardly use those techniques. You think it would be good for 1/2oz spinnerbait and bladed jigs?
  9. I've used both. Tatula hands down
  10. Thinner allows it to slide through veggies easier and it will fall faster. Thicker can be tougher to get through cover...but slows down the fall and offers bigger profile.
  11. Smallest...1/4 shakey with fuse 4.4 Largest...1 1/2 oz g2 shellcracker
  12. This exact scenario played out in Wisconsin recently. 9 pounder released...story on ***
  13. The feeder Creek into my local lake is pumping in cold water. 5 degrees colder than further down the lake. Fish coves and creeks if rains have been warm...If not find warmer water and pitch black blue jigs into flooded cover.
  14. I did it right. Still doesn't stop the occasional springing.
  15. The bug has ribs and has slimmer profile.
  16. I do need some more of your gear...
  17. I see the bug is listed at 3 inches Dbomb are 4. Is the bug undersized for a purpose?
  18. They are available for pre order at tw!
  19. It's 15 and 16 pound. 16 is sniper 15 is invizx on baitcasters. The sniper is much better than invizx...but the one overrun I had I had to take it all the way to backing and spray kvd on it every few cranks. Ruined cast and my lil boat drifted into good cover. Seems much easier and better casting to go with just a fluoro leader. So I need to grab an empty spool and put line back on? Just got the sniper...Hate to lose 100 yards of it.
  20. After recent fishing trip...I became frustrated with fluoro. I used kvd conditioner the day before but it only helped a tad. I didn't get many overruns but the few I did I had to strip down to my mono backing as the fluoro kept springing out the further I went. My question is...If I go all braid then how can I save my fluoro already on it for leaders?
  21. I've lost fish using moderate fast action as it gives too much. X fast keeps them pinned...but in reality my fish fighting style probably favors xfast.
  22. I spooled some Sunline sniper yesterday...so supple compared to invizx
  23. How are yall doing in bass or flw? I started red hot in bass until table rock. This week on dardanelle is a killer. All my anglers did well on day one and 4 of them choked day 2 by hauling in less than 9 pounds each. Howell is only one helping me. At one point I was in the 99% for BASS. ..now I'm 80... FLW is hard too...so many anglers to buy...I've learned to spread by cash more evenly with about 5 solid anglers. Blowing your salary cap on one angler is incredibly risky as he practically has to win the event for it be worth the cost.
  24. No red label? Don't care for invizx...lots of memory in 16 pound I have spooled
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