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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Bye bye thread
  2. For me 10 bucks isn't close. That's a lil john crank right there!
  3. Still more expensive than sniper... Smackdown is at a good price though
  4. Rhode Island would probably be pretty terrible
  5. Smile bro
  6. I slow rolled a swimjig across current from a creek dumping in water. Caught 4. Also broke off on a big cat at another location.
  7. Instead of hunting I'm going fishing. Small shallow ponds with lilys and mil foil and trees. Couple weeks ago lakes froze slightly but recent 50 temps and rain for three days thawed them. I've read where warm stretches of rain helps winter fishing. Any lure suggestions?
  8. This
  9. That's what I like to do with my space monkey
  10. Agreed
  11. I'm not worried about the size, the model is what I want.
  12. I have a stz671mhfba that needs a new tip and I was wondering if anyone knew which exact tip they use? There are a couple titanium ones on mud hole but I'm not sure which to get.
  13. Amazon has tatula for 90 I've had both and prefer tatula
  14. I'll try to remember to check it out next time I head for the obx. Thanks
  15. My local shop has ice cream knick nacks and a terrible rod selection. Old model zillions marked at 350 dollars. All lures and plastics are marked up at least 15% from msrp. I can't afford to shop there! It's unfortunate really. Maybe if they focused on hunting and fishing instead of painted rocks and junk they'd be doing better.
  16. I buy a lot of rods and reels from amazon and haven't had an issue. The gift card thing doesn't work anymore. They are no longer discounted.
  17. Thinking of taking my dad to Mount Storm lake in January or February which is a power plant lake. It does not freeze over and stays in the 60s. I was curious how to approach this. Will the bass spawn early in the year? Would bass orient on docks? Tons of gizzard shad in lake, should we focus on those? I'm sure going there and trying different things out would be the best bet, but was curious about others experiences.
  18. Poppers can be really fun Wacky senkos Those fish are usually uneducated and hungry. Small and simple usually does it
  19. Daiwa rod and reels Sunline Spro, revenge, rage tail, seibert
  20. Clear water match Murky or muddy you can contrast
  21. I have 2 of them. Haven't used them much but they do their job.
  22. I've thrown the spro john all year. Flat sides aren't just for cold water.
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