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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Just forget about looking at the letters and focus on lure ratings. 1oz max rods are typically rated MH. I have a 6 power phenix that I find to be just a bit more than a heavy but not a broomstick and it is rated for 2oz. If it were a 5 power I would assumr it would feel somewhat between mh and a heavy
  2. I do fantasy fishing with the mindset of winning a prize during 1 tournament. Therefore an angler who averages 50th place does me no good. Maybe I will try that strategy next year
  3. Meh...John Crews went the Boyd Duckett route....win and start a company. Fish safe to maintain marketing presence in BASS. I refuse to pick either
  4. A. MDJ: Cal Delta veteran who is fishing great this year. B. Jordan Lee...nuff said C. Faircloth, history and experience. D. Micah Frazier, good shallow water fisherman who did well in '15. E. Scroggins, good hx on the Sabine and excellent shallow water fisherman
  5. I have a gopro hero session for my kayak but have had difficulty with mounting. Currently I have it on an extension pole placed into a rod holder. My oroblem is that the glue on the mount will not stick for more than a couple weeks and super glue isnt much better. The surface area on top of the pole is miniscule as it is hollow. A 3 foot mount on amazon is $40, and requires additional purchases just to mount it and it may not even be tall enough. Yall have any suggestions?
  6. Smallmouth can spawn pretty deep. Conditions may have dictated that most of them spawn out of sight of you or in places you dont usually look
  7. A little late to the party but awesome stuff! Couple guys from my club posted that article on facebook and are very excited that you are repping WVU
  8. It was Kentucky Lake...however the lake is hurting and viable big fish ledges were in very short supply
  9. Let's not act like Randy Haynes is getting tens of thousands of dollars from his sponsors...a few thousand at best if he attends trade shows... And the FLW live coverage mentioned he makes a grest living as a contractor. If he has the money and can justify the cost of withdrawing then he should be able to make that choice. I wouldnt CHOOSE to fish rub rail but I personally would have to for 100k. It is also okay to leave a situation even if it means quitting entirely if it prevents someone from being burnt out on bass fishing or losing your enjoymeny of your favorite hobby or you losing your short temper and attacking another person.
  10. Feelfree Lure 11.5 Pros - Stability and padded standing platform -Gravity Seat with pockets -Room and storage -Wheel -Replaceable parts -Dry -Comfortable Cons -Heavy -Seat can wear out and collapse when sitting on it -Keel durability (have to use gator skin patches now) -It is a barge -Front hatch storage is fairly limited -Wheel does not do well "off road" as it tips kayak -useless "bait cup holders" that I awkwardly store my drinks in Anyone ever not install their seat but instead use a cooler? Would like the drink and panfish storage but afraid it wouldnt be good for generating paddling power.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/randyhaynesfishing/posts/1663488460353700
  12. I recently ordered a pack of 3 inch...they are fat and not as finesse as I was hoping for. They pop but doing so causes them to dip under the surface a good bit. Doubt I use them again when I can use a spro baby popper
  13. Meh, I saw it more of a protest on culture than beef between people.
  14. Day 1 lambert had the spot Dsy 2 haynes Day 3....both needed the spot and Haynes didnt want to fight his friend over a fishin hole
  15. Just saw the rundown on live. Strange stuff and i dont disagree with Haynes...he doesnt want to fish like that and had a contract job he woukd rather do. We would do same thing recreational fishing.
  16. Had they been fishing same.spot day 1 and 2 or did Lambert encroach? Its still early he could turn around and head back after he cools down. Nobody throws away 100k
  17. I did.....what happened?
  18. If I hear thunder I still fish. Lightning often occurs between clouds. However, if I see lightning or the wind and rain becomes torrential I lay my rods down and find shelter (watch out for widow makers) and ride it out.
  19. Did a little better yesterday. My guys in the 100s jumped up about 50 spots. Still not good enough. I didnt have time to research anglers like I like. I always do better when I have a chance to review past performances and fishing styles.
  20. Ive got randy haynes....but everyone else is 50+ lol. I almost picked Lambert and Canterbury which would have gave me #1,2 and 3....
  21. Did pretty well. I seriously thought about picking the three Japanese guys on tour. Would have been a good choice but no better today than what i have
  22. I know its way early...but Ive got 3 in top 4....feels good while it lasts
  23. Oh man a 10 pounder on a clear water post spawn lake?! A quick rundown of the weigh ts suggest a lot of 2 and 3 pounders being caught. This could be a heavy weight fight...
  24. This is my third video of some highlights from April including my Fiance's first bass. Took some of yall's comments on board and found a software program that will work on my laptop (kind of).
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