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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Anyone consider that maybe he stuck it too hard and had a nice big hole for the hook to fly out?
  2. 3/4oz gets through water shield most of the time. 1 oz every time.
  3. First problem is most of those aren't even lakes
  4. $13 for a john? Wow. Maybe 12 for the DD.
  5. Daiwa oil for daiwa reels
  6. Swimjig. Swim it, pitch it, skip it, work it on top matted veggies.
  7. I'm trying to get back into it. Haven't used em for a couple years. Been more focused on bladed jigs and swimjigs and probably missing some opportunities.
  8. Spro. End of discussion
  9. Carry some oregano. Cougars love oregano!
  10. Way to go idutbass All my guys earned top 50. Micah Frazier was a steal at .02 ownership.
  11. I keep looking at other companies for jigs but Mike makes a product that competes with any of them.
  12. Out of those probably the alpha sv because I need a lightweight lure rod.
  13. So when bank fishing, you drop it on your feet?
  14. I got some oceanfront property I could sell you in West Virginia.
  15. Either "Yummy!" Or "No thanks I'm stuffed"
  16. Go pro indicates he is using hair jig although you don't see it well. He is very very hush hush about hair jigs. The retrieve on hookups is different than the fish he caught with cranks. Also how he plays the fish is different. Also how he lands the fish is different. He boat flipped all of them, but the ones on hair jigs he flipped behind the camera onto carpet. The cranks he flipped to his body or feet and you can hear the crank rattling, the fish he tossed behind camera had no rattling.
  17. A zippo weakening a hook from a couple seconds of heat? No.
  18. I joined my first club this year as non boater. Large club with history of success. They embraced me from first meeting. I've learned a technique and have gained experience in all the aspects that go into tournament fishing. Have also fished bodies of water I never would have otherwise. Hope to be a boater next year!
  19. For 12 I can get colored hedgehogs. Shipping will be expensive though
  20. Just filled out a survey...asked about brand recognition and what I buy.... Gonna be disappointed if this is a marketing ploy
  21. All 5 of my guys have made the top 50. Micah Frazier in top 10. Most in the 30s though so point total isn't real high.
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