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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Got a spro frog called 'freak'. Neon green yellow on top with black bottom with yellow accents, like rainforest black. They also have 'the killer' which is milk cow color aka black and white. Best of both worlds.
  2. Mix of the two. Creates hell of a bulky profile. Add a large flapping trailer and it will float down slowly (ever drop a crawdad into water?) When resting it puffs out and looks like a hell of a meal.
  3. My bed is only 5 foot. Laying rods diagonally means they hang over tailgate. I've found a way to Jimmy them into the cab with the dogs. Not perfect but gets job done.
  4. Is the Titanic still on ocean floor?
  5. I like mine but after a couple years I've come to dislike their ergonomics.
  6. I'll consider it joe...for a bit fairer price. 8 foot tubes are expensive now a days.... I thought about bladed baits for it but I'm usually casting to cover and the times I've used this thing with cranks I've had poor accuracy. There are a couple situations where I could use it to gain a few more yards along rip rap and burning heavy spinnerbaits. There are a couple lakes where I can use the rod to deep crank when fishing alone but my club tends to beat up the banks.
  7. Bed is too short, even diagonally I do believe.
  8. I know about Hobe but mirage drive was designed more for saltwater fishermen. Being able to stand and propel myself efficiently for pitching heavy cover is important to me. I'll probably go nucanoe but the more I look at feel free the more I like them.
  9. I like my topwater on my fast action rod with copoly. When I use topwater walling baits on my modfast rod I have to use more energy to snap the slack line.
  10. I need some advice on transporting rods. I have 1 pieces to the length of 7'7". I usually store them in truck diagonally from back to front passenger seat. However sometimes I need to take my dogs and I don't have the room. I was thinking of the large bazuka tube and strapping into my shortbed. It is 80 bucks though and was hoping someone knows of a cheaper alternative that would protect my rods while riding in the bed.
  11. Dad has the American hero rod and it's pretty solid buy.
  12. The Old Town Is okay, I've Seen It At field and stream and it's expensive. Also you have to adjust speed by hand,so no standing and trolling.
  13. Sorry I thought I was on right forum... Yeah the wheel design is great and useful for me.
  14. Just learned about these today and they look nice. Anyone experience one? What are the options for trolling motors as I have bad shoulders. Nucanoe has a bracket for foot operated tm but I wanted to check all my options
  15. My recent night tournament was won by a guy drop shotting. Quite a few bags were caught with drop shot
  16. Doesn't matter with buzzbaits
  17. BAM and FLW. Bam is quarterly while flw monthly.
  18. I have a 7'7" medium regular action tatula rod that I got for a steal. I use it for medium and deep crankbaits but for the most part I haven't needed to use those baits this year. The rod is quality and I feel guilty about it sitting unused. What other techniques do yall think I could use it for?
  19. Most deep divers are roughly 1oz. There isn't a cranking rod in the lineup that can handle that. I have the 7'7" medium regular action and my 1oz baits really strain it. 3/4oz would be pushing it.
  20. Powroznik, crews, and Ike should be solid picks
  21. You paid for a product you did not receive. Hurts resale value of rod. Ask for replacement if it bothers you.
  22. Interesting info. May have to act upon it and get the 6/0
  23. Put em in a pot of water and slowly turn the heat up or else they will hop out. Afterwards put some hot sauce on em with a side of cornbread.
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