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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. What gets me are these custom lure painters on facebook "auctioning" off their knock off crankbaits for $10 with minimum $1 bids and 5 dollars shipping! Given the fact that brand new name brand version of these cranakbaits (mostly SK) run like $6 dollars out the door....and what crankbait costs 5 dollars to ship?! I have shipped reels for 5 dollars! For $15 minimum I can buy top of the line crankbaits....
  2. 1. Regarding merit: look closer 2. It has nothing to do with "me being right" merely a common perception (not THE common perception) that FLW anglers are typically subpar as far as professional status is concerned and whether or not the average poster can counter argue effectively. 3. Our first exchange about Canadian anglers was more in line with the theme of this thread but somewhere along the line you decided to become offended. 4. Some people got the point of the thread immediately. But if youd like to read more threads about what the best color senko is there are sections in this forum full of them ?. Thanks for sharing, I didnt hear anything about deliberate attempts to destroy BASS...it may well end up.that way in the end. I know FLW doesnt even do Fantasy fishing anymore so they must be feeling an impact. As for experience: I assume many of the young guns do not have FLW resumes. I would like to see a number on how many guys have 5+ years fishing FLW tour (I know of a handful) but I hesitate to say over 50% of BPT field.
  3. What politics were involved in BPT selection? Mostly BASS memebrs on their B.O.D. wanting guys they are familiar with? I would like to see a breakdown of BPT anglers with FLW experience versus no experience
  4. BASS are airing a week of special shows in advance of their tournament this week. I certainly think there has been a lot of damage control done. What anglers left bass for FLW in the early 2000's? Does FLW's typical schedule limit the versatility of their anglers? I know they fish the big O a good bit but BASS spends more time in vegetative waters...can this account for the disparity in this tournament?
  5. I actually enjoy FLW a lot and was more into their fantasy fishing than BASS. If none of you can articulate why FLW has merit or that my 'perception' is flawed other than by saying "I am jelous or I dont make a living fishing" then maybe those who actually hold such 'perceptions' are correct?
  6. Just playing devils advocate is all. If you want to be salty and delve into ad hominem rather than fully express the ideas you are hinting at then go right ahead. Clearly there is a perception and I have seen it expressed on many platforms that FLW is subpar. This BPT is as close to a natural experiment as we have got despite its flaws. Is FLW a stepping stone? Will BASS be? Does lack of marketing potential in FLW kill its chances of being better?
  7. Hey look at that, I got a bite, should I set the hook or shake him off? Don't need to be a rocket surgeon to know that North Koreas missle program sucks. And if we went by perceived ability we would just rank anglers by reputation and not even fish. KVD still finished ahead of most FLW anglers and he is headed into his golden years. Fact: FLW is a BASS feeder organization. Fact: 3 FLW guys made the cut of 40 and they arent doing well right now. (If we want to.be serious we can discuss that BPT doesnt have Thrift Martin Gustafson or the Johnstons among others or the fact that BPT has a large disproportion of BASS to FLW or that FLW Jeff Sprague makes #4 and is leading the event but I see nobody has connected those dots yet).
  8. Score Tracker Update: Top 40 actually only has 3 (THREE) FLW pros
  9. I think all those canadian boys will tear up BASS
  10. Which proves the point that those guys outgrew FLW and moved to greener pastures. And if we proportionate the two tours in BPT we would still see a statistically significant difference in their performance.
  11. As it stands then....its looking even worse for those FLW scrubs
  12. d**n all.these rounds are confusing
  13. Stats don't lie. 1/3 this a 1/3 that.... 7/8ths of BASS made top 40 cut. FLW guys flopped. KVD made top 40 cut which is more than I can say for the 40 sitting at home right now. FACT
  14. Can we put this to rest once and for all? 40 Top BPT anglers fishing today... 5 of them were with FLW immediately prior to BPT. 1 of them is in the top 20. 35 were with BASS. 87% versus 13% Come at me bro
  15. So are you asking a question? Im a gambler addict but never used the punch skirts. Need to start using them more. If you havr questions about any of the items let me know.
  16. I got top 20 in FLW a couple years ago in one tournament and won a decent FLW hat and strike king frog. Im looking forward to fantasy this year. Flw dropped it. Lots of BASS anglers who have potential but were held down by the bigs who moved to MLF. There will be a lot of hungry anglers who see this as their opportunity to shine.
  17. In January? Flw tour or is it Costa? I see. You are right. A couple weeks earlier than usual Hey yall, either FLW is upgrading their fnatasy fishing platform or they cancelled it all together because it is nowhere to be found on their website or google. My.bookmarked link says the page no longer exists.
  18. I havent created the league yet. If someone else would like to they may certainly as I am quite busy recently and may not remember. When is the first event?
  19. Spro baby John
  20. You gotta ask yourself....why and what. What kind of content will you provide...how will you provide it? Who is your target? Length of videos? All successful channels have a theme or format they follow.
  21. I had the fiberglass and did not like it for cranks. I have a 74 mh glass tatula elite and its a workout to throw deep cranks but its great for traps and chatterbaits. I doubt the 77m would handle the 3/4oz cranks comfortably.
  22. A jig crawling on bottom looks like a meal regardless of whether it has a football for a head or a cone. The particular aspects of head types can make a difference over time. Also football heads usually have lighter hook. Im sure someone can go into more detail as I have to go back to work!
  23. My dad swears by pink...cant get into it. But I have a disdain for watermelon redflake. Only time I have caught em with that color is burning a swimbait over lilypads...and color matters very little then. I wont even buy the color for anything As for hardbaits....I have no issue with colors....they all work for me at times
  24. Sorry, a couple of lakes I fish can drop off into 60+ FOW close to shore. It would be a bit of a chore to let out the anchor and retrieve it, not to mention having to calculate where to drop anchor to allow you to drift into a stable location near your target (trigonometry). I'd rather just drift and paddle back. Few times I actually need to anchor to fish and those are shallow water situations (beds, lily pads, lay downs) where I can use my PP.
  25. I had an anchor trolley, lost the anchor so i bought a stakeout pole (I woulf avoid an anchor unless your lakes are super deep but even then youre better off drifting) Work excellent when sliding it through anchor trolley ring. You adjust trolley location for wind and the direction you wish to fish. The problems with a stakeout pole is that they can sometimes work loose in deep water/soft bttom/strong wind. Also they can be difficult to store which is how i lost mine when a lilupad jumped up and snatched it from my paddle holder. So my step this year was the purchase of a powerpole micro anchor. I LOVE it. Fast deployment and SOLID. Only issue is increased weight can cause kayak to spin more readily in breeze when undeployed requiring more paddling adjustments. A second con is needing to plan approach for deployment in conjunction with wind to set up right, thr anchor trolley allows you to adjust to wind conditions anywhere you want to deploy. Lots of options out there
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