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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. .05 picked Mcclelland Dude won an open at LOTO and in interviews was super pumped about preparing for toledo bend. So far is in 27th at the moment. I have faith that he will provide value for his percentage.
  2. A. Cherry B. Mcclelland C. Hite D. Powroznik E. Morganthaler All hovering above or at the cut. A good cull and finishing a couple limits and they all should be top 50.
  3. There are no limits! Only your imagination. You can get a hollow body and run a line through and stuff a bullet weight into belly.
  4. Tying new lures on is the first mistake Time tying is time you arent fishing and wasting casts on a lure you didnt have confidence to start with! If you are changing lures....know why you are changing! Switching colors to get swiping bass to commit? Switching to a lure that wont snag as much? Those are reasons to switch "I think they would eat a banjo minnow like on tv" is not. That said, I have no confidence lure. I like them all and Ive learned that from sticking with them until bass tell me otherwise.
  5. SWVA Or SwVA ?
  6. Whats yalls overall percentage? Im at 54% a couple years ago I finished like 92%. Somehow I lost my picking ability last couple years....i also do less research.
  7. I hate brewing over some no name idiot ill never see again. Its a crappy negative behavior that drags you down.
  8. Last weekend at a electric only lake I launched and put TM down and kicked it on high to a small rocky point. There was a kayaker fishing with his young son in another kayak that started heading to that bank fishing towars point but I was already past halfway there before i realized their intent. I got there and apologized saying i didnt mean to. Guy said it was no biggie and there was plenty of lake. As for guys rushing to load up their boat...2 years ago my dad said a guy did just that and jumped ahead of him....my dad loads up and about 3 miles down the road this jackass dumped his boat on the blacktop!!!
  9. I doubt hackney spent his entire classic looking for fry..... There was a lot of fish movement and anglers couldnt pin them down. Lee found an offshore staging area for pre and post spawn bass which explains his somewhat consistency (only had 4 on day 2). The bass would stop at these points and brush piles and be gone a few hours later to spawn or drop into deeper water.
  10. These have never appealed to me
  11. Nice fish. They are starting to get active in this region
  12. Gambler. Durable and garlic scented with great lift and action. Ive used zoom and stanley and rage. Zoom are 2nd fav and rage is least favorite
  13. Some strange results in this classic.
  14. Man the weights/numbers were way off on basstrak
  15. Ike caught a 6 pounder
  16. Christie Powroznik Defoe Duckett Strader
  17. Find a columbia outlet near you. Huge discounts. Ive got some key gear from them. They have some new rainproof fabric that doesnt need to habe its waterproofing reapplied
  18. Why do you need 5 buffs for??? Id rather spend 20 bucks on a quality buff. But a buff is one of the best fishing apparel purchases ive ever made
  19. So...you catch a personal best and you just happen to lose your phone. Very convenient. It didnt happen if you cant provide pics!
  20. Outside of deep analytics, nobody counts a hit any different whether its a fastball or curveball. If i ask jim bob how he has been catching them and he says flipping bushes...does it really matter to me if he is flipping or pitching? Is it worth it to correct him and come off as a bass fishing know it all elitist? I dont think that is what we as fisherman are about.
  21. Im not gonna go around correcting people who use it incorrectly. It doesnt even matter as long as youve got the context. Plenty of pros misuse power/action cover/structure and I dont see them dropping out of the elites or flw.
  22. Smoke purples Green pumpkin is good for darker water of imitating craws
  23. Marketing failure not necessarily product failure
  24. Everyone here will reply about their own stories but either 1. Wont mention when theyve been in wrong or 2. Didnt realize when they were. Maybe the other boat didnt realize how close and thought they gave enough room or maybe on the way to the cove you blew by them or ran over their spot without realizing and they felt like you think you own the lake. Two sides to a story and sometimes its best to approach with a calm voice and ask clear and appropriate questions. Ive had a couple run ins with ******** who ended up wishing me a good evening after we cut through the hotheadedness
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