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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Going out today... Power pole down! Wish us luck
  2. Honestly...with the battery pack and mounting platform it a little over 800 with a mail in rebate. And I got the battery pack for a fraction of the cost new. Worth every penny. Super fast to attach and relatively light. Fishing in wind used to make me angry. Not anymore! Sight fishing is also much much easier. I use to have an anchor trolley and stake....was okay but nowhere near as fast to deploy or as solid and I ended up losing my stake! I can now deploy, lift up and drift with wind and deploy again without ever having to stop fishing.
  3. A quick video of the bass I caught on April 1 which weighed 5lb 5 oz. Lost another earlier in the day that was bigger. Caught this one cranking shallow points in chocolate milk water. I was playing around with different camera angles and cinematic shots to see what works and what doesn't and what I can add to future videos that may add some flavor. Thanks for watching guys!
  4. Sigh... Maybe I forgot. Swore I researched my picks. Oh well.
  5. Name is Kyle unless there are 2 Montanaros in our group... I know I picked Christie but Ike isnt a common pick for me...I really can't recall as I picked team like a month ago and let it be.
  6. My fantasy team isn't showing up...anyone else? I swore i picked one....
  7. Howdy stranger!
  8. I taught myself to pitch holding rod in left hand. Sometimes i get a better angle or need to get jig back in quick...or sometimes even just to give my right arm a break. The advantage of switching hands, IMO, is that is slows me down giving the bass a little longer to get the jig in their crushers.
  9. Anyone honestly. But if I had to say... Duckett
  10. BROWNING!!!! I like Shin too....sigh
  11. Any of yall have issues with the feed via web browsers? Almost always locks up for me during commercials. The app usually works smoothly
  12. Screw you Gustafson ?....back down to the 30th percentile I go!
  13. I scored like 950 points and said to myself "Hey not too shabby" then realized i was like in 30%....like oh crap I forgot its not the same. Anyway...my squad for next week Crews: has history on lake both tournament/fun fishing Cobb: good hx on lake Williamson: an angler i expect to be bucket A and can sling a jerkbait Hartman: no way a bucket D angler Gustafson: no way an E angler and a good hx on lanier My strategy this year is to find hungry young pros looking to fill power vacuum in BASS
  14. Same, Im about done with Combs
  15. Its premature to say bass death is premature This thread just now reached 2 pages and it was explosive. Last few years the first couple BASS tournys had 4 or 5 page threads. Id also like to see basslive viewing numbers. Bpt had 2.2 million on their Sunday round.
  16. I never thought Marks bass was 10 Looked 8.5 to me when he caught it.
  17. And now we sit in the dark
  18. And Menendez bounces back! Trading blows!!! Clunns are huge though...think he is sand bagging
  19. Clunn just took.the lead with a 9 pounder!
  20. Oh right forgot.about that marty clip I thought one of the initial selling points was that they were going to have cameras on every boat....or is that a future plan?
  21. They do but they can only handle so many live
  22. A lot of these dudes have been fishing together for a looong time.
  23. Considering anglers make the rules, I doubt there are repercussions. I kinda cant wait for the produced.ahow on TV to see all these big catches that were missed live
  24. Production studio had their hand hovering over the big red mute button when they found out ike was jumped. Ike snuck in a 2nd fbomb after that that beat the mute.
  25. Ike ? 10th to 11th after time expires....jinxed himself by saying watch out for me in the final
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