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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. Im competitive. I love going to pressured small lakes and literally catching bass behind others and beside bank anglers (where they cant reach). Then i hear the excuses "oh these bass are so spooky cuzz of the musky."
  2. 8.1:1 Burning lures is effective and Ive never had an issue by slowing down my reeling. Also it helps you quickly reel in foul casts or when you are out of strike zone
  3. If im punching vegetation Im going to use tungsten and soft plastic. But 3/4 would get through some of the stuff I fish...but getting it back out may be difficult
  4. Thinking of phasing out my jigs for all black in 3/8oz and 5/8oz. Does 5/8 have a significant increase in fall rate given that the trailer stays the same? I like 3/8oz overall but want something faster to draw reaction strikes and fish deeper cover (12 ft+ brush etc...)
  5. The spro baby popper comes with a 1/0 gamakatsu hook and i want to upsize it. I have great hookups by upsizing frogs but I cant find a hook that will work for the baby as different brands vary dramatically. Trokar has a 2/0 and gamakatsu has a 3/0 but im afraid the 3 will be too big and I cant find any trokar in stock.
  6. Agree completely on t3 and fuego comparison. I love my t3s but they do feel stressed (for lack of a better description) when hauling bass out of vegetation even with high speed and heavy rod. The fuego isnt as hesitant when horsing a fish in.
  7. More material means more mass for vibrations to move through/be absorbed by. So yes a heavier power rod will be less sensitive....to what degree varies
  8. The tats are not a step above the cronos. All good rods though.
  9. Hey thanks man! His birthday is sept 4th, pm me and Ill send you his address.
  10. Pretty cool video...looks legit but i wont buy. Maybe present for my dad. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vvP0GBBiaLg
  11. Nature of the beast. Try hooking into the plastic and through the oring at same time...works for me. Id also avoid tungsten weights due to loss of worms unless you are using a very skinny plastic
  12. If they recruit and retain knowledgeable employees they have to pay them more. If they stock premium brands they have to pay If they dont come out with house brands then they pay premiums for lures maybe a couple hardcore fisherman would buy If they create a website they have to rent a server and staff it and not discount prices because it would canalbalize their stores. They are in a pickle despite bass fishing growing at an incredible rate especially compared to economic growth.
  13. All i fish is heavy cover lol. Yesterday had a 5 or 6 which would have helped me back into BBWC contention. She kept diving for the thick submerged grass and got her head turned and popped hook. Turns out I let rod load up on my big ez and didnt get a good hook in as I was in more open water. When I get a hit in the spatterdock fields I whack on em and rarely lose them. The main pond I fish has a few over 6 if not over 8...but it gets a lot of pressure and isnt big so when they do decide to bite I need to land them.
  14. Not sure if you picked one up but I fished mine yesterday for first time. For 75 dollars it is a killer reel. Almost identical to tatula ct sans tws which makes no noticeable difference anyway. Almost considering selling my tatula for a fuego!
  15. Big bass monkey is riding my back. Caught a couple nice ones early in the year...but every week since I cant land any over 3 pounds which are not common fish in the places i fish in wv. I do everything right but random luck of where/how they are hooked or getting stuck against lilypads comes in the way.
  16. Have kennedy and jones in top 10. Had i kept jordan lee over elam id have 3....ugh.
  17. Alton jones was a good pick on my part Too bad everyone else tanked. Kennedy did alright though. I still jumped up 3%.... Here is the deal though fellas...the weights are very close! Someone in 90th could easily make the cut and if they find the right fish could challenge for a top 10.
  18. If wind is calm or close to calm I wont use chatterbait. But with a little breeze it is usually lights out. Thats been my experience. I always use one...absolutely love everything about them.
  19. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is pitch to anything that looks different. A small gap, a floating lily pad root, a little stick poking up, a couple dead reed stalks. Dont waste time punching every square inch.
  20. Spro bronzeeye shad is probably easiest to walk.
  21. Indeed. Im talking flutter spoons. Clearly i dont fish them much! Im hoping the size and flash will attract a bigger bite
  22. I have a 1/2 oz flutter spoon I never use and want to try it in a large grass pond I fish a lot. Avg depth is about 4 to 5 feet. I was thinking of casting parallel to the spatterdock edges and ripping/reeling then killing it. I think hackney released an article recently about casting spoons being effective in all water depths. This is not a weedless spoon btw...I have no issue in picking out grass
  23. A: Elam B: Alton Jones sr C: Kennedy D: Blaylock E: Tacoronte
  24. I'm a big duo realis fan and I wanted to see how quickly the spinbait was selling out based on 3 fish. Duo is posting all sorts of social media content on the spinbait...videos...how to's etc...for three fish (THREE!) they have made an incredible profit. And no ebay isnt over run yet. In fact someone had three 90 sizes selling for 30 dollars which is a steal...considered buying them. But this is why I respect KVD....he will use any product that will catch a fish. From owner to duo....so you know his strike king lures he helped design and uses every tournament are quality.
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