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Everything posted by Montanaro

  1. I have created a league for those who wish to join in the FLW fantasy fishing. Tomorrow is their first tournament on the big O. League Name: Bass Resource password: senko If anyone has issues/questions about the FLW website/format I can help as I've been doing their fantasy fishing for over 4 years now.
  2. In!
  3. 49er big ez /end
  4. Just got a gopro recently and had an opportunity to shoot some film of my first ice fishing trip. I cut it up into a quick video I'd like to share with you all. Maybe I can get some of everythingthatswims's big bass on video soon
  5. No, i dont have tipups. Im surprised by the amount of people who ice fish out there.
  6. Is that from our secret hole? No 30fow there though... I pulled a 2.5lb out of ice last weekend and that was a blast, I however did bring my scale cuzz you just never know. Great fish, I bet you were shaking afterwards!
  7. Aint no girl dropping her panties for a megabass rod...
  8. Im just saying if people are going to compare cars to rods at least make an accurate comparison on the percentage difference in cost. Like a hellcat versus a ss camaro. Both can haul ass but the one is more refined and exclusive and a bit faster. Fishing rods have no bugatti equivalent.
  9. Lets get something straight... The difference in an imported exotic v10 super car among other cars is substantially greater than a $400 fishing stick among cheaper sticks.
  10. Scott won FLW using almost exclusively his TCS rods and I watched him use them in those tournaments. They are well made dependable rods that fit his style of fishing and look nice to boot. I cant afford $400 rods, but if I could Id buy one or two for the lightness and sensitivity and comfort. I have a used steez 6'7" i got for $175 and I can fish it all day and ive caught fish I wouldn't have felt with some low end rods I have owned. However Id prefer to buy a few $200 rods rather than 1 or 2 400-500 rods
  11. I didnt like the 20 on my spinning rod. Yellow bled to white quickly and had same performance as cheaper braid. Youre basically paying for Japanese name brand...not for quality.
  12. Ct's are but nothing about new revamped CTs
  13. Buy tungsten and feel your heart in your stomache when youve flung your entire pack into the lake!
  14. Closed today and moving stuff in now. Ive got my own fishing shed/garage!
  15. Limit your color selection but maintain different sizes and depths. I have chartreuse cranks, translucent shad patterns, a bluegill color, and a couple craw colors. Basically 5 different colors of Spro cranks in all their styles. Almost always use the translucent shad patterns
  16. 7 years
  17. I watch his videos from time to time. Very good advice from him. Fasting fits my schedule and my job isnt overly active. Im actually more focused now when fasting due to not having a glucose fog hanging over me in morning. Just caffiene until lunch. Then i workouy after work, have dinner and a snack before bed. Dont need to count calories but I do try to eat clean.
  18. Working out is great and all But do you follow any diet regimes? Whats your diet like? I do intermittent fast 16 on 8 off and am about 13%bf and not progressing much lately...just a plateau I guess.
  19. Those are some big bass!
  20. Ciao ragazzo. When i visited Vercelli as a teenager I always wondered what the fishing culture was like. I know now that bass fishing has become popular since.
  21. Finally closing on a house! After a month saga of our bank completely fudging our application twice due to incompetence...while under contract...we chose to switch lenders and they did everything in 2 weeks and kept the sellers on board. Apparently our original lender felt culpable enough to fully refund our appraisal with an extra $75 dollars....
  22. I will follow greg hackneys advice....give them a second to really mouth it and then hook em. Youll miss more fish and lose more fish swinging for fences at first thump. They dont always inhale lure, sometimes only lip it. You will get spun out QUICK if you convince yourself that your bass are spitting your lures in .08.
  23. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/09/25/scientists-spent-a-month-terrifying-guppies-to-prove-that-fish-have-personalities/?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.4188b239ad58
  24. Caught a couple last week on soft jerkbaits in a grass filled pond. Water temps in low 40s. Worked in aggressively but gave 5 second pause from time to time to keep it down and give followers a chance to swim up and grab it as it fluttered down.
  25. Free spool? Naw. Maybe like 95% loose...just in case i need to make a skip or longer cast. Also brakes are medium to high depending on lure weight and my proficiency in avoiding backlashes for that day. The brakes slow it down just enough especially if you have to skip/cast. Braking wont limit distance if you set it right for the distance you can accurately pitch.
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