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About c17Lat

  • Birthday 07/21/1988

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    Bowie, Maryland

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Currently living in NC, but I'm taking a 2-week business trip to Burlington, VT on August 5th. I won't be able to bring my 19 ft Nitro up there, so I'm looking for options for how to get out and fish on this amazing lake. Looks like I can't find any good jon/fishing boat rentals when I search on Google. I guess paying for a guided trip would be an option but not ideal. Anyone interested in having me as a fishing partner at some point during this time? Any open tournaments in need of co-anglers? Any other ideas?
  2. Yep, filled the livewell, hit the empty switch and it all emptied out through the central hull fitting. Thanks!
  3. Just bought a nitro nx 898 2003. Seems to be taking on water. I know that The bottom hole is the normal drain, and The outside holes are livewell intake/outtakes. But what is the top hole in the middle for????
  4. Just got a 19 ft Nitro with a 200 outboard. I was towing a smaller boat with my 2007 jeep grand cherokee (rated for 3500 lbs towing capacity). This pulls the new boat decently but I can definitely feel it a lot more than my last smaller boat. The car is also just getting old so I'm looking to get a better (used) tow vehicle, but I'm not experienced in the exact specs that I need to look at besides max tow capacity when looking to buy a tow vehicle. So my questions are: What else is important (behinds max tow capacity) to look at when buying a tow vehicle? 6 vs. 8 cylinder engine, Liter engine size, tires? In regards to buying a used SUV for towing...how big of a deal is it for it to already have a hitch on it? For example, if I get a used 2018 jeep grand cherokee rated for 6200 lbs max towing, but it doesn't have a hitch...should I still expect it to effectively tow at this rating if I get the dealer to install the trailer hitch when I buy it?
  5. I'm fishing the Potomac River FLW Tour event as a coangler (starts next week) This is my first BIG tournament, and I'm a local her and off work/school all during the practice from next monday-wednesday. I remember reading somewhere that some coanglers would just sit by the launch ramp in the morning and ask pros if they want a nonboater to practice with for the day. I'm considering doing that since I have no boat. Any other ideas for how to practice with some of these tour guys next week? Anyone else fish the tour as a co-angler?
  6. you are talking about the weekend series right? I just fished two potomac weekend series this summer. I have to say it is run poorly compared to every FLW event that I have fished, but if I was in town and had money for an entry fee, I would def sign up. ABA is not bad, but I'd rather do FLW
  7. I don't use scent often, but when I do I prefer Jack's Juice ...Stay stinky my friends.
  8. Can you give some specific examples?
  9. fishing as a coangler: some old rusty gambler fishing in the front of the boat: 21 ft ranger with a 250...thanks to FLW college fishing
  10. I've asked before in this section about lakes nearby seneca with little luck. i don't think many on here fish the finger lakes a lot
  11. Tide was crazy low today! I got stuck at one point...in my KAYAK!
  12. For small trailer hooks, i like to just take a treble hook and cut off two of the points
  13. I have one of these: http://www.stripersonline.com/surftalk/attachment.php?attachmentid=130870&stc=1&d=1209650736 very stable...I ALWAYS stand up in it and fish, and it's great with two people standing and fishing also, but they don't make them anymore :'(
  14. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/where-fish-bass/2010/04/study-says-80-percent-male-potomac-smallmouth-are-basically-hermaphrod
  15. Thanks guys. anyone know of any clubs in the area?
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