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About Dcheek

  • Birthday 09/28/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Collierville, TN
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Not Picky

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I have caught catfish with the hook coming out their anus.....maybe because it was a smaller hook? I have never really felt good about leaving hooks in.....I will start trying to remove them.
  2. I do not use leaders with braid, I tie direct. All of the points mentioned above are very valid too me, I just have never personally have experienced any of them (that I know of LOL).
  3. I have always cut the line on a gut hook, whether or not that is the right thing IDK. I think cutting the line as close to the hook as possible makes most sense to me, but I know I have seen some fish die immediately (those go home with me) and others swim off. I try to use bigger hooks and be diligent in setting hook as soon as possible, but this is unavoidable sometimes.
  4. It has definite benefits, but I rarely use them because of price. I can catch them on lead just as well so not something I make a priority.
  5. Absolutely and anyone that says differently is fibbing
  6. The string trick would definitely been very difficult on this one......I would of had to loop on both points and tried to pull them out at the same time, otherwise I yank one and the other would either go deeper or tear some skin lol! In this case I could not see any alternative.
  7. Thanks all! Eddie thankfully no stitches required, just two small holes that look like a snake bite.
  8. I have never fished a body of water that does not produce at night, now that being said I have certainly went fishless a many of night.....so I do not think in your case it is because you were fishing at night. The fish are either not in the area, not actively feeding, or just not interested in what you were throwing....as Brandon said you are at a huge disadvantage fishing from the bank because of the limits on where you can fish.......I fish from the bank often and it can be frustrating, you just have to accept you will not be successful each time out, but that goes for all fishing.
  9. Ha Sam, I indeed did save the red eye which is key in this fiasco And yes guys barbless is certainly going to happen, I turn down all the barbs on my kids baits, but me being the idiot I am I did not find it necessary for myself.....whoops! Shortfish, I would have use the string trick if I had someone with me, but since I was alone, the hooks were fairly close to my eye, and I could not recall when my last tetanus was I opted for the urgent care. I might add that the urgent care was pretty clueless about removing hooks.....they did not numb the area and basically pushed the hooks through and cut the barbs which I am not sure is the best route and as you can imagine pretty painful......but I did receive antibiotics and a tetanus, and since infection was my main concern I had no choice.
  10. Ha! Yes those baits should hold a special place in the tackle box
  11. It was a total lapse on my part, I was not tracking my line like I should have when I caught bottom I popped the tip to clear it and was only a few feet from the bank, obviously by then it was too late I had a face full of hooks before I knew what hit me.
  12. Jigs 4 Pigs I always wear glasses, but yes very lucky it didn't catch the eye! I have had some close calls in the past, but in 20 years of fishing this is the 1st time I have been caught past the barb. And Trippy I didn't get them out, I wen't to urgent care and they pushed the hooks all the way through and clipped the barbs.
  13. Clearing a snag at the bank and I sling shot a KVD Red Eye in my forehead Two of the three points were past the barb.......I did save the lure though
  14. Twitch a weightless fluke, IMO it imitates bait fish better than any other bait.
  15. Okay thanks for the advice. I am not familiar with the lake and can for sure see being frustrated trying to learn the lay of the land in a day, I appreciate the help and am convinced a guide is the right approach.
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