Fished one of our local tournaments yesterday and it was one of those grinding out days. My first cast of the day yielded a nice 2 pounder. My partner and I managed to catch a decent stringer, doubt we would have gotten first, but I'm sure we would have taken second. I have a boat that only has fresh water in pump, so I got an aerator pump at Academy and put in a second battery just for that pump. I monitor that pump regularly because sometimes the fish will knock it over and it stops doing what it's supposed to do. Well, the last hour I move us to a new location, I checked the pump, it was working just fine. We fish for the allotted time and I catch a Spot, thats bigger than the one in the live well, on my last cast, I go to swap it out and find the pump is NOT working and all the fish are dead! Talk about something that can make a grown man wanna cry. So, now its back to the drawing board and try to come up with something that last for 8 hours for a continuous running pump. Any suggestions?